Create a Fun and Profitable Holiday Store
It's hard to believe we have just one weekend left until Christmas. Most shoppers are now in a buying mood but with a little bit of extra effort from the staff you can help the customers complete even more of their shopping list in your store(s).
Here are some suggestions and ideas to ensure a fun and productive week or weekend.
1. Using assumptive language with your customers inevitably leads to more sales. Doing the same with your staff also leads to more sales. When talking about the day or the upcoming weekend use very positive and assumptive language. "We are going to absolutely blow away goal this weekend." "We're going to be slammed." "The buyers will be out this weekend."
2. Whenever possible no backroom work; it's all hands on deck. At this time a year a store can go from library quiet to rock and roll crazy in a matter of seconds.
3. Keep the checkout line move and grooving. Not only should all registers should be open and ringing away but someone should be assigned to engage the people in line. This is very important because people still have time to skip standing in line and go finish their shopping either online or in another store.
This week and weekend offers many opportunities to create additional sales if you're careful to not be just an order taker. One way to do that is to ensure people are selling and suggesting different products and/or product categories.
For example, a wireless store might use the 12 square model and put 3 handsets in the first row, 3 accessories in the second row, different plans or services in the third row, and extended warranties and other additional offerings in the last row.
A women's accessory store might do product categories only. Using the 9 square version the boxes might include handbags, luggage, shoes, sunglasses, earrings, necklaces, etc.
Whatever you do, it has to be easy for the staff to know and remember what they need to sell. Every time a staff member makes the first sale in the box they put their initial. First person to sell something from every box wins. You can also arrange it so everyone wins a prize if they selling something from each box. Or you can do both, where everyone wins but the first person wins something extra. Obviously you'll need to personalize it to your store(s) based on how your staff schedule works, how competitive your team is, etc. This little game is fun and will keep people suggesting additional products.
5. Consider giving out some goodie bags, candy, and other prizes to your staff throughout the weekend. Remember these equations:
Happy employees = Happy customersHappy customers + Happy employees = Lots of salesHappy customers + Happy employees + Lots of sales = Happy you!
Five Final Thoughts
1. "Memorable" shopping experiences can be both good and bad. Make yours great!
2. Do something simple but different this weekend for your customers. Giving out candy canes at the door is always a good one.
3. Throwing a little spare change in the red bucket has got to be good Karma for beating goal.
4. Anyone can make sales this weekend. Good retailers make sure they maximize those transactions by adding on to each sale. I bet if you offer every customer making a purchase the opportunity to buy a gift card or gift certificate you could close 20% of them. That's future sales!
5. Don't lose yourself in the craziness. It's a wonderful time of the year so enjoy it.
Good luck this week and weekend and remember to keep it fun.
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Monday, December 17, 2007
Create a Fun and Profitable Holiday Store. Bill Payment Services - Prepaid Services Providers for Merchant Retailers!.
Monday, November 19, 2007
The Year for Wireless
The Year for Wireless For Merchant Retailers. Prepaid Cellular - Bill Payment Services.
Research, analysts and rumors say 2007 is going to be the year of wireless. The sentence probably assumes a different meaning in different places, but no matter where you hear it… it doesn’t lose its relevance.
Wireless is (in Asia and Europe) and is becoming (in the North America) a part our everyday life. With mobile phones we can check our bank account, take and send pictures, purchase a plane ticket, pay the parking fee, watch the goals of our favorite football team and (even!) get in touch with other people. Although, from a linguistic point of view it might sounds like a paradox, wireless connects our lives. "Connecting People."
Let’s explore in detail the characteristics of this media that make it so appealing.
Wireless Communication Is…
Personal. A mobile phone is a very personal object. People like personalizing it with ring tones, screensavers and logos and rarely lend it to others, not even family members. But most of all, the phone number is like an ID card, it identifies an individual, providing marketers with the possibility of a precise message targeting like never before.
Direct. Wireless communication is person to person, or, in this context, it’s a company-to-person communication. There is no intermediation: there is no press, no distributor, no retailer between the brand and its consumers. What you say is what they get, almost immediately.
Immediate. It depends on the number of messages you send out and on the traffic level on the carriers’ networks, but it’s usually a question of minutes, even seconds. As soon as you send out a message, users receive it. It has a point of no return, but you can also take an impressive advantage by the speed of this communication, delivering the right message at the right time (and to the right person, of course…).
Reliable. You have the chance to know and monitor when a message is delivered. It can be an expensive solution, and it will double to cost of your campaign (because you pay also for the communication from the user’s mobile phone to your system) but it if you really want to know it, well… you can.
Two-way. Like on the Internet, wireless allows a two-way communication: you can talk and you can listen to your costumers, and you can even engage them in a relationship with your brand through a direct and personal interaction.
Measurable. Wireless provides you with means to monitor your campaign with extreme precision. You can quickly measure the response rate and also the response time, and you are therefore able to immediately evaluate and adapt your messages and marketing strategies.
Furthermore, analyst points out (in "Mobile campaigns and alerts boost last minute travel take-up,") wireless communication, using SMS, is quick and silent and can be very effective in capturing hot leads and initiating a dialogue with (shy) consumers who don’t like to give away personal information to sales representatives.
It’s a lesson we learned the hard way with the Internet, but it’s better to sound obvious and repeat it: wireless, like any other media, is not the marketers’ panacea.
Wireless Communication Is Not…
A mass marketing tool. Technically speaking, it allows you to rech a mass audience. But it wouldn’t make any sense to do it. It would be too expensive and, most of all, because you would ignore the advantages of a personal communication channel. Wireless allows brands to deliver a message that is closer to the concept of personal selling rather than that of advertising. This kind of message is usually far more persuasive and effective than an advertisement designed to appeal to a large number of persons. So, think about it, and don’t waste your money.
Only about wireless advertising. As we learned at school (but we tend to forget), marketing is not only advertising. Wireless is not only a means to deliver a promotional message, it’s a channel that also allows brands to build a dialogue with its prospects and deliver a service to its costumers.
For complex offers. An SMS has a limited length, 160 characters. That’s the technological limit but also your audience’s attention limit. If what you want to say is longer than 160 characters, the message will be split in two parts: people will be less likely to read both and might also miss the point of what you wanted to tell them. So learn to think short.
A no man’s land. People are sensitive and privacy is an issue. An unsolicited commercial message could harm forever the relationship between your brand and your audience. Use wireless only to contact people who granted you the permission to do it and always prefer pull to push communication.
A stand-alone media. The "secret" to wireless success is in the integration of the communication with other media.
To learn how to innovate your merchant retail business for the best solutions for your walk-in customers!. This is a must read on.
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
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Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Research, analysts and rumors say 2007 is going to be the year of wireless. The sentence probably assumes a different meaning in different places, but no matter where you hear it… it doesn’t lose its relevance.
Wireless is (in Asia and Europe) and is becoming (in the North America) a part our everyday life. With mobile phones we can check our bank account, take and send pictures, purchase a plane ticket, pay the parking fee, watch the goals of our favorite football team and (even!) get in touch with other people. Although, from a linguistic point of view it might sounds like a paradox, wireless connects our lives. "Connecting People."
Let’s explore in detail the characteristics of this media that make it so appealing.
Wireless Communication Is…
Personal. A mobile phone is a very personal object. People like personalizing it with ring tones, screensavers and logos and rarely lend it to others, not even family members. But most of all, the phone number is like an ID card, it identifies an individual, providing marketers with the possibility of a precise message targeting like never before.
Direct. Wireless communication is person to person, or, in this context, it’s a company-to-person communication. There is no intermediation: there is no press, no distributor, no retailer between the brand and its consumers. What you say is what they get, almost immediately.
Immediate. It depends on the number of messages you send out and on the traffic level on the carriers’ networks, but it’s usually a question of minutes, even seconds. As soon as you send out a message, users receive it. It has a point of no return, but you can also take an impressive advantage by the speed of this communication, delivering the right message at the right time (and to the right person, of course…).
Reliable. You have the chance to know and monitor when a message is delivered. It can be an expensive solution, and it will double to cost of your campaign (because you pay also for the communication from the user’s mobile phone to your system) but it if you really want to know it, well… you can.
Two-way. Like on the Internet, wireless allows a two-way communication: you can talk and you can listen to your costumers, and you can even engage them in a relationship with your brand through a direct and personal interaction.
Measurable. Wireless provides you with means to monitor your campaign with extreme precision. You can quickly measure the response rate and also the response time, and you are therefore able to immediately evaluate and adapt your messages and marketing strategies.
Furthermore, analyst points out (in "Mobile campaigns and alerts boost last minute travel take-up,") wireless communication, using SMS, is quick and silent and can be very effective in capturing hot leads and initiating a dialogue with (shy) consumers who don’t like to give away personal information to sales representatives.
It’s a lesson we learned the hard way with the Internet, but it’s better to sound obvious and repeat it: wireless, like any other media, is not the marketers’ panacea.
Wireless Communication Is Not…
A mass marketing tool. Technically speaking, it allows you to rech a mass audience. But it wouldn’t make any sense to do it. It would be too expensive and, most of all, because you would ignore the advantages of a personal communication channel. Wireless allows brands to deliver a message that is closer to the concept of personal selling rather than that of advertising. This kind of message is usually far more persuasive and effective than an advertisement designed to appeal to a large number of persons. So, think about it, and don’t waste your money.
Only about wireless advertising. As we learned at school (but we tend to forget), marketing is not only advertising. Wireless is not only a means to deliver a promotional message, it’s a channel that also allows brands to build a dialogue with its prospects and deliver a service to its costumers.
For complex offers. An SMS has a limited length, 160 characters. That’s the technological limit but also your audience’s attention limit. If what you want to say is longer than 160 characters, the message will be split in two parts: people will be less likely to read both and might also miss the point of what you wanted to tell them. So learn to think short.
A no man’s land. People are sensitive and privacy is an issue. An unsolicited commercial message could harm forever the relationship between your brand and your audience. Use wireless only to contact people who granted you the permission to do it and always prefer pull to push communication.
A stand-alone media. The "secret" to wireless success is in the integration of the communication with other media.
To learn how to innovate your merchant retail business for the best solutions for your walk-in customers!. This is a must read on.
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
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ATT SIM ACTIVATIONS with SPIFFS, Handsets and MORE!-Prepaid Cellular Phone Virtual Terminal - Retailers Business Owners Payments System for Walkin Customers. All Major Cellular Carriers Available
8:04 PM

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Prepaid Cellular Services going for affection!
Prepaid Cellular Services going for affection!
With substantial growth expected to come from the prepaid wireless market, national carriers are beginning to pay more attention to the one-time red-headed stepchild of the coveted postpaid customer.
Analyst Fedor Smith of Atlantic-ACM said that as wireless has become more ubiquitous, the expectations of some prepaid customers have risen. They now expect to be able to access the same services that postpaid customers can use, including various messaging services and data services.
"They are upwardly mobile in terms of demand and expectations," Smith said. He added that while the low-cost, basic voice prepaid customer still dominates the market, a more sophisticated prepaid customer also exists—often falling into the urban youth category between the ages of 18 to 26 years old.
"A lot of them want a basic phone with five-cent per-minute calling. … That’s a market that’s always going to be there. But there are consumers who want more. … They might not have a lot of credit or cash in the bank, but they can still afford to buy high-end sneakers. It’s not that they don’t have any money—they don’t have any credit or reliable cash flow per se."
A recent study from J.D. Power and Associates found that prepaid customers spent about $38 per month on average when they bought additional airtime.
Wireless retailers cannot ignore the trend of flattening of postpaid growth and the competition’s focus on the prepaid segment as an engine for continued growth.
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.
To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on.
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
With substantial growth expected to come from the prepaid wireless market, national carriers are beginning to pay more attention to the one-time red-headed stepchild of the coveted postpaid customer.
Analyst Fedor Smith of Atlantic-ACM said that as wireless has become more ubiquitous, the expectations of some prepaid customers have risen. They now expect to be able to access the same services that postpaid customers can use, including various messaging services and data services.
"They are upwardly mobile in terms of demand and expectations," Smith said. He added that while the low-cost, basic voice prepaid customer still dominates the market, a more sophisticated prepaid customer also exists—often falling into the urban youth category between the ages of 18 to 26 years old.
"A lot of them want a basic phone with five-cent per-minute calling. … That’s a market that’s always going to be there. But there are consumers who want more. … They might not have a lot of credit or cash in the bank, but they can still afford to buy high-end sneakers. It’s not that they don’t have any money—they don’t have any credit or reliable cash flow per se."
A recent study from J.D. Power and Associates found that prepaid customers spent about $38 per month on average when they bought additional airtime.
Wireless retailers cannot ignore the trend of flattening of postpaid growth and the competition’s focus on the prepaid segment as an engine for continued growth.
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.
To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on.
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Wireless celebrates twenty-four years - now's time for prepaid cellular services -bill payment services to celebrate solutions with merchant retailers
Wireless celebrates twenty-four years - now's time for prepaid cellular services -bill payment services to celebrate solutions with merchant retailers
No one contemplated picture messaging 20 years ago at Soldier’s Field when the first wireless call was made Oct. 13, 1983.
Before the shimmering waters of Lake Michigan, the stately music of a marching band and the restless balloons and wind of Chicago, Bob Barnett, president of wireless carrier Ameritech Mobile placed a call to the grandson of Alexander Graham Bell in Berlin, Germany.
In the call, Barnett said unlike Bell’s grandfather, who placed a call from the other side of the room to Watson, he was placing the call from the other side of the world.
So recalls Scott Erickson, vice president of international business development for Lucent Technologies Inc., who witnessed the call in that "cold and bitter day with sunshine." Lucent is an offshoot of American Telephone & Telegraph Co., which provided the gear for the network that included the Autoplex System 100 base station.
To add to the dramatics fitting this stadium-held first call, said Erickson, the voice of the Chicago Cubs, Jack Brickhouse, announced the first call as he would the first pitch of a World Series game.
Barnett’s call was the first call of trillions that would cross the waves by more than a billion subscribers around the globe. He recalled that wireless was still a novelty, the device cumbersome and the appeal elitist.
Erickson said the growth of the industry defied pundits, analysts and experts as 20 of the largest U.S. cities launched services within 18 months, and the media suddenly became gung-ho and grabbed onto the phrase personal communications services, which has stuck ever since.
He said the technology provided people the power to call not just a location but an individual, the ultimate invention to flatter the ego of humans and encourage their wandering spirits.
Today, industry has migrated from mere voice reception to voice quality, from the elite market to the critical mass, from first generation to third generation.
Erickson recalled a magazine owned by Stuart Crump, who warned that the technology would change the world as we know it.
"He said it would change the lives of businessmen and consumers and the way we do business," said Erickson.
Prepaid Cellular Services Solution Store Products:
Bill Payment Solutions, One Stop Solutions For Merchant Repeat Customers:
No one contemplated picture messaging 20 years ago at Soldier’s Field when the first wireless call was made Oct. 13, 1983.
Before the shimmering waters of Lake Michigan, the stately music of a marching band and the restless balloons and wind of Chicago, Bob Barnett, president of wireless carrier Ameritech Mobile placed a call to the grandson of Alexander Graham Bell in Berlin, Germany.
In the call, Barnett said unlike Bell’s grandfather, who placed a call from the other side of the room to Watson, he was placing the call from the other side of the world.
So recalls Scott Erickson, vice president of international business development for Lucent Technologies Inc., who witnessed the call in that "cold and bitter day with sunshine." Lucent is an offshoot of American Telephone & Telegraph Co., which provided the gear for the network that included the Autoplex System 100 base station.
To add to the dramatics fitting this stadium-held first call, said Erickson, the voice of the Chicago Cubs, Jack Brickhouse, announced the first call as he would the first pitch of a World Series game.
Barnett’s call was the first call of trillions that would cross the waves by more than a billion subscribers around the globe. He recalled that wireless was still a novelty, the device cumbersome and the appeal elitist.
Erickson said the growth of the industry defied pundits, analysts and experts as 20 of the largest U.S. cities launched services within 18 months, and the media suddenly became gung-ho and grabbed onto the phrase personal communications services, which has stuck ever since.
He said the technology provided people the power to call not just a location but an individual, the ultimate invention to flatter the ego of humans and encourage their wandering spirits.
Today, industry has migrated from mere voice reception to voice quality, from the elite market to the critical mass, from first generation to third generation.
Erickson recalled a magazine owned by Stuart Crump, who warned that the technology would change the world as we know it.
"He said it would change the lives of businessmen and consumers and the way we do business," said Erickson.
Prepaid Cellular Services Solution Store Products:
Bill Payment Solutions, One Stop Solutions For Merchant Repeat Customers:
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Retailers Turning To New Technologies. Bill Payment Services-Prepaid Cellular Services
Retailers Turning To New Technologies. Bill Payment Services-Prepaid Cellular Services
Major retailers who do not implement the technology face being left behind as customers demand ever faster transactions, a trend exacerbated by the ease and speed of online retailing.
Meeting the demands of today's retail environment requires clever application of key technologies. In a saturated market new technologies such as bill payment services - prepaid cellular solutions play an important role by offering retailers innovative means of engaging with consumers and helping them to retain market share. These technologies bring with them a variety of solutions, for retailers - in terms of integration and standardization and also in terms of achieving the maximum return on no investment.
The Ultimately Prepaid Cellular Phones Service Solutions:
Ultimately Bill Payment Solutions For Merchant Walk-in Customers:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Major retailers who do not implement the technology face being left behind as customers demand ever faster transactions, a trend exacerbated by the ease and speed of online retailing.
Meeting the demands of today's retail environment requires clever application of key technologies. In a saturated market new technologies such as bill payment services - prepaid cellular solutions play an important role by offering retailers innovative means of engaging with consumers and helping them to retain market share. These technologies bring with them a variety of solutions, for retailers - in terms of integration and standardization and also in terms of achieving the maximum return on no investment.
The Ultimately Prepaid Cellular Phones Service Solutions:
Ultimately Bill Payment Solutions For Merchant Walk-in Customers:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The Non-Secret to Success - Prepaid Cellular & Bill Payment Solutions For Merchant Retailers!
The Non-Secret to Success - Prepaid Cellular & Bill Payment Solutions For Merchant Retailers
The secret to success, There's no secret, nor fancy theories. The key to success, no fancy theory or super secret. It's actually quite simple. Just keep asking yourself, if there is anything else you can do, and then do it. That's all there is to it. As simple as it is, that really is the key to success. Success comes from being responsible for your own outcomes and taking the appropriate actions to achieve them.
To be successful in today's economy, you've got to be on your game. In retail, that entails either offering a commodity for less than everyone else or offering a unique product that drives customers to your store. But, products and prices alone aren't what keep your customers satisfied. If you keep them waiting too long at the checkout line or run out of the things they want, they may not give you a second chance to get it right. So let me ask, is there anything else you can do today and are you going to do it?
Ultimately, success with customer demand solutions, to learn a solutions that gives a clear, and frequent repent communication between the walk -in customer and the merchant retailer.
The Ultimately Prepaid Cellular Phones Service Solutions:
Ultimately Bill Payment Solutions For Merchant Walk-in Customers:
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
The secret to success, There's no secret, nor fancy theories. The key to success, no fancy theory or super secret. It's actually quite simple. Just keep asking yourself, if there is anything else you can do, and then do it. That's all there is to it. As simple as it is, that really is the key to success. Success comes from being responsible for your own outcomes and taking the appropriate actions to achieve them.
To be successful in today's economy, you've got to be on your game. In retail, that entails either offering a commodity for less than everyone else or offering a unique product that drives customers to your store. But, products and prices alone aren't what keep your customers satisfied. If you keep them waiting too long at the checkout line or run out of the things they want, they may not give you a second chance to get it right. So let me ask, is there anything else you can do today and are you going to do it?
Ultimately, success with customer demand solutions, to learn a solutions that gives a clear, and frequent repent communication between the walk -in customer and the merchant retailer.
The Ultimately Prepaid Cellular Phones Service Solutions:
Ultimately Bill Payment Solutions For Merchant Walk-in Customers:
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Posted by
ATT SIM ACTIVATIONS with SPIFFS, Handsets and MORE!-Prepaid Cellular Phone Virtual Terminal - Retailers Business Owners Payments System for Walkin Customers. All Major Cellular Carriers Available
5:15 PM

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Wireless Cellular Dealers
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Prepaid Cellular Services MVNO action in the U.S. for Store Owners!
MVNO action in the U.S. for Store Owners!
The year 2007 saw significant growth of the prepaid wireless market in the United States as many new players arrived on the scene, and the landscape changed dramatically. Helping to fuel this fast and steady growth has been a "grass-roots movement" of prepaid long distance carriers and other telecom based companies that started MVNOs in this very hot telecom sector. What is an MVNO? MVNO is an acronym for Mobile Virtual Network Operator; MVNOs have become a significant trend in the prepaid wireless market.
Value proposition
What seems to be attractive to merchant retailer is the leverage they receive with the MVNO model. Merchant are able to set up relationships with one or more companies whose sole business model is prepaid wireless. These companies have defined business plans targeting different segment profiles that range from the youth market, credit-challenged market, first-time users and ethnic markets.
Under this scenario, the retailers are able to eliminate the financial commitment and resources needed to properly address the prepaid wireless market. They completely eliminate any inventory costs for acquiring subscribers and place all operational and financial responsibilities on the MVNO. What they gain in turn will hopefully be a large number of prepaid wireless subscribers using their store to top-up through a relationship with the MVNO with little or no financial risk.
The MVNO model is very similar to the long distance reseller services model that was widely deployed by AT&T, Sprint and MCI back in the late 80s and early 90s, when these carriers established reseller arrangements with a large number of companies that branded their own long distance products using the carrier's network to provide service. Today, we are seeing a repeat of this very successful business model except that the product is now prepaid wireless.
Recognizing the slow growth of the prepaid phone card market, many industry players see that prepaid wireless is beginning to erode the prepaid phone card market. Merchant dealers are now selling as much as five to one in wireless sales compared to phone card sales in many markets. Many prepaid long distance carriers, acknowledging this growing trend in prepaid wireless. Whether the action is to create an MVNO with their own privately branded product or to market and sell other wireless brand products alongside their prepaid calling cards, merchant business owners must make a choice or risk losing significant business.
The success of companies like Virgin Mobile, Boost Mobile, TracFone and other MVNOs in the market is a validation of this strategy. While some make the decision to sit and watch as prepaid wireless begins to dominate the prepaid sector, many established players from the prepaid phone card industry are making the decision to jump in and get their piece of the prepaid wireless pie. Through these MVNO-type relationships, a growing contingent of industry players are planning to leverage their established brand names in the prepaid wireless sector as well.
31 flavors and more
Going beyond the prepaid wireless programs of major carriers, there is now a wide variety of new choices thanks to the MVNO market trend. While the market may seem to be getting a bit crowded, you can expect at least another dozen or more new MVNO startups in the coming year. Many of these new players will start off as regionally based operators with hopes of rolling out national plans. Executing in more controlled regional or select markets seems to be the best approach for these new startup operations.
Dealers alike want to bring a wide variety of choices to their customers and are demanding the availability of all of the various wireless programs. As we have seen a recent drop in distributor discount rates (profit margins) on some of major prepaid wireless brands, less recognized MVNO brand products are starting to see more market penetration because of better discounts and rate plans being offered to market their brands.
With the market demanding a wider choice of products, prepaid distribution companies (especially those using POSA and electronic distribution) are far better positioned to bring on new competitive products and services through their distribution channels. With POSA and electronic distribution, dealers have 24/7 uninterrupted access to a wide variety of prepaid wireless programs making "31 flavors" a reality. In addition, with POSA, distributors and their dealers are not required to invest large amounts of working capital in inventory and are able to pay the MVNOs, in many cases, as the product is sold to the subscriber.
Partnering with large prepaid distribution networks utilizing POSA technology to deliver products to market presents a great advantage for startup retailers. These prepaid distribution companies can simply add the MVNO products to their system, thereby providing their agents and dealers with a greater choice of services to sell. Literally overnight an merchant retailer can be selling its prepaid wireless program to walk-in customers, thanks to POSA and electronic PIN distribution technology.
Merchant realizing ideas quickly and effectively is critical to success. In today's fast-paced world of evolving technologies and rapid globalization, nothing stays the same for very long. Innovators who embrace-and even drive-change in their businesses will be the winners in a world where business-as-usual is no longer a viable option.
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.
To continue to learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
Continue to Prepaid Cellular Phone Services Solutions For Businesses Infomation click on link:
This is a must read on. Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
The year 2007 saw significant growth of the prepaid wireless market in the United States as many new players arrived on the scene, and the landscape changed dramatically. Helping to fuel this fast and steady growth has been a "grass-roots movement" of prepaid long distance carriers and other telecom based companies that started MVNOs in this very hot telecom sector. What is an MVNO? MVNO is an acronym for Mobile Virtual Network Operator; MVNOs have become a significant trend in the prepaid wireless market.
Value proposition
What seems to be attractive to merchant retailer is the leverage they receive with the MVNO model. Merchant are able to set up relationships with one or more companies whose sole business model is prepaid wireless. These companies have defined business plans targeting different segment profiles that range from the youth market, credit-challenged market, first-time users and ethnic markets.
Under this scenario, the retailers are able to eliminate the financial commitment and resources needed to properly address the prepaid wireless market. They completely eliminate any inventory costs for acquiring subscribers and place all operational and financial responsibilities on the MVNO. What they gain in turn will hopefully be a large number of prepaid wireless subscribers using their store to top-up through a relationship with the MVNO with little or no financial risk.
The MVNO model is very similar to the long distance reseller services model that was widely deployed by AT&T, Sprint and MCI back in the late 80s and early 90s, when these carriers established reseller arrangements with a large number of companies that branded their own long distance products using the carrier's network to provide service. Today, we are seeing a repeat of this very successful business model except that the product is now prepaid wireless.
Recognizing the slow growth of the prepaid phone card market, many industry players see that prepaid wireless is beginning to erode the prepaid phone card market. Merchant dealers are now selling as much as five to one in wireless sales compared to phone card sales in many markets. Many prepaid long distance carriers, acknowledging this growing trend in prepaid wireless. Whether the action is to create an MVNO with their own privately branded product or to market and sell other wireless brand products alongside their prepaid calling cards, merchant business owners must make a choice or risk losing significant business.
The success of companies like Virgin Mobile, Boost Mobile, TracFone and other MVNOs in the market is a validation of this strategy. While some make the decision to sit and watch as prepaid wireless begins to dominate the prepaid sector, many established players from the prepaid phone card industry are making the decision to jump in and get their piece of the prepaid wireless pie. Through these MVNO-type relationships, a growing contingent of industry players are planning to leverage their established brand names in the prepaid wireless sector as well.
31 flavors and more
Going beyond the prepaid wireless programs of major carriers, there is now a wide variety of new choices thanks to the MVNO market trend. While the market may seem to be getting a bit crowded, you can expect at least another dozen or more new MVNO startups in the coming year. Many of these new players will start off as regionally based operators with hopes of rolling out national plans. Executing in more controlled regional or select markets seems to be the best approach for these new startup operations.
Dealers alike want to bring a wide variety of choices to their customers and are demanding the availability of all of the various wireless programs. As we have seen a recent drop in distributor discount rates (profit margins) on some of major prepaid wireless brands, less recognized MVNO brand products are starting to see more market penetration because of better discounts and rate plans being offered to market their brands.
With the market demanding a wider choice of products, prepaid distribution companies (especially those using POSA and electronic distribution) are far better positioned to bring on new competitive products and services through their distribution channels. With POSA and electronic distribution, dealers have 24/7 uninterrupted access to a wide variety of prepaid wireless programs making "31 flavors" a reality. In addition, with POSA, distributors and their dealers are not required to invest large amounts of working capital in inventory and are able to pay the MVNOs, in many cases, as the product is sold to the subscriber.
Partnering with large prepaid distribution networks utilizing POSA technology to deliver products to market presents a great advantage for startup retailers. These prepaid distribution companies can simply add the MVNO products to their system, thereby providing their agents and dealers with a greater choice of services to sell. Literally overnight an merchant retailer can be selling its prepaid wireless program to walk-in customers, thanks to POSA and electronic PIN distribution technology.
Merchant realizing ideas quickly and effectively is critical to success. In today's fast-paced world of evolving technologies and rapid globalization, nothing stays the same for very long. Innovators who embrace-and even drive-change in their businesses will be the winners in a world where business-as-usual is no longer a viable option.
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.
To continue to learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
Continue to Prepaid Cellular Phone Services Solutions For Businesses Infomation click on link:
This is a must read on. Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
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ATT SIM ACTIVATIONS with SPIFFS, Handsets and MORE!-Prepaid Cellular Phone Virtual Terminal - Retailers Business Owners Payments System for Walkin Customers. All Major Cellular Carriers Available
11:21 AM

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Monday, September 24, 2007
Advice for delivering a more memorable retail experience with bill payment services - prepaid cellular companies.
Advice for delivering a more memorable retail experience with bill payment services - prepaid cellular companies.
Here are some actions you can take to improve your customer's experience in your store and increase sales productivity at the same time.
1. Engage every customer as if he/she is a buyer. Remember, there's no such thing as lookers. The minute we label a customer as a looker we've already decided she isn't buying. Most customer are "just looking" because that's what they've been programmed to do. There are buyers and there are potential buyers but there is no such thing as lookers.
2. Talk with the customer about what she/he needs to know, not about what you know. When I visit a store I watch to see if salespeople adjust what they say based upon the customer's needs. Some retail salespeople say the same thing over and over to the customer throughout the day no matter what the customer says he needs or wants. This almost always results in the customer having to deal with more information than he needs, which almost always results in taking much longer than necessary to make a sale or not making a sale at all. The customer doesn't need to know everything you know. He just needs to know enough to make a well-informed decision.
3. Get whatever you sell (or an extension of it) in the customers' hands. Nothing transfers ownership more than touching, feeling, holding, or trying on the product than a person is thinking about buying. Here's an example. Say you are considering buying a high-definition flat screen television. At retailer number one they show you a television with a great picture and tell you all about the features and benefits of that set. At retailer number two they show you a television with a great picture and tell you about the features and benefits of that set. Then they put the television's remote control in your hand and show you how simple it is to use. Which retailer has got you mentally closer to buying the television? Obviously number two. This holds true with whatever you sell.
This is a must read on.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions For Businesses:
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Here are some actions you can take to improve your customer's experience in your store and increase sales productivity at the same time.
1. Engage every customer as if he/she is a buyer. Remember, there's no such thing as lookers. The minute we label a customer as a looker we've already decided she isn't buying. Most customer are "just looking" because that's what they've been programmed to do. There are buyers and there are potential buyers but there is no such thing as lookers.
2. Talk with the customer about what she/he needs to know, not about what you know. When I visit a store I watch to see if salespeople adjust what they say based upon the customer's needs. Some retail salespeople say the same thing over and over to the customer throughout the day no matter what the customer says he needs or wants. This almost always results in the customer having to deal with more information than he needs, which almost always results in taking much longer than necessary to make a sale or not making a sale at all. The customer doesn't need to know everything you know. He just needs to know enough to make a well-informed decision.
3. Get whatever you sell (or an extension of it) in the customers' hands. Nothing transfers ownership more than touching, feeling, holding, or trying on the product than a person is thinking about buying. Here's an example. Say you are considering buying a high-definition flat screen television. At retailer number one they show you a television with a great picture and tell you all about the features and benefits of that set. At retailer number two they show you a television with a great picture and tell you about the features and benefits of that set. Then they put the television's remote control in your hand and show you how simple it is to use. Which retailer has got you mentally closer to buying the television? Obviously number two. This holds true with whatever you sell.
This is a must read on.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions For Businesses:
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
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ATT SIM ACTIVATIONS with SPIFFS, Handsets and MORE!-Prepaid Cellular Phone Virtual Terminal - Retailers Business Owners Payments System for Walkin Customers. All Major Cellular Carriers Available
1:34 PM

and Discount Stores.,
Convenience Stores,
Drug Stores,
Gas Stations,
Office Super Stores,
Wireless Cellular Dealers
Monday, September 17, 2007
Bill payment solutions bring in customers and commissions!
Bill payment solutions bring in customers and commissions!
Merchants are finding that adding bill payment solutions to their Sale platform is greatly adding to their foot traffic and revenues. Additionally, go-getting wireless stores are making commissions by being in the loop with wireless customers and switching them to new and better plans.
Bill payment processing is in the early stages, but everyone we talked to about it agrees that this is a lucrative market. Many are planning to get on the Bill Pay bandwagon. Here’s why it can be successful.
Many consumers who are unbanked and credit challenged pay their bills with cash. They have no checking accounts, debit or credit cards. It is estimated that about 30% of the population in the US stands in line to pay their bills each week at cable companies, phone companies, and satellite TV offices.
Retailers could get the overflow traffic if bill payments were set up. The merchant receives a convenience fee so he shares in the revenue. The benefits for the merchant resulted in increased walk-in traffic and the convenience fee, a portion of the processing fee.
On the technical side, it is easy for merchant retailers to integrate their platform with the biller’s platform. It all depends on how sophisticated the retailer is.
Wireless retailers have been particularly successful with the bill payment program. That’s because they are making more commissions on new phone plans they sell when customers come in to pay bills.
For example, when a customer comes in to pay a wireless bill, the merchant will notice that the contract is almost up or that there are better plans available. He knows he can do better for the customer and shows him a plan with more minutes for less money and a new phone to boot. "Nine out of ten times, the customer will switch over.
Merchants get between $1 to $1.25-up for each bill payment transaction. If they sell a cellular phone plan, they may make a $300 commission. If a Convenience-store processes 2000-3000 bill payments each month, that is $2,000 or $3,000 extra in revenues, for very little work. They will also get the purchases for store items.
At a wireless store, 100 payments for cell phones can be converted to 50 new cell plans. Then you are looking at a commission check of $15,000.
One merchant retailer has system in place for several months. At first, they was very skeptical, but it has opened new doors for business owner. Store gets a fee for accepting bill payments and it brings in new contracts. Location also gotten customers into other prepaid programs. Business has increased by 47 percent. There is a sign outside his store that advertises All Bills Accepted Here. Businesses just need to stick with this and it’s the best thing that’s will happened in your business.
Getting customers into a store to pay bills is going to become more and more prevalent. Once customers get used to paying bills at a particular store, it will become a habit. That cannot be a bad thing.
A must read on for merchant retailers.
To learn more go to web site or call toll free 1-877-947-3577
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions For Merchants:
Bill Payment Services Merchant Money Solutions:
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Merchants are finding that adding bill payment solutions to their Sale platform is greatly adding to their foot traffic and revenues. Additionally, go-getting wireless stores are making commissions by being in the loop with wireless customers and switching them to new and better plans.
Bill payment processing is in the early stages, but everyone we talked to about it agrees that this is a lucrative market. Many are planning to get on the Bill Pay bandwagon. Here’s why it can be successful.
Many consumers who are unbanked and credit challenged pay their bills with cash. They have no checking accounts, debit or credit cards. It is estimated that about 30% of the population in the US stands in line to pay their bills each week at cable companies, phone companies, and satellite TV offices.
Retailers could get the overflow traffic if bill payments were set up. The merchant receives a convenience fee so he shares in the revenue. The benefits for the merchant resulted in increased walk-in traffic and the convenience fee, a portion of the processing fee.
On the technical side, it is easy for merchant retailers to integrate their platform with the biller’s platform. It all depends on how sophisticated the retailer is.
Wireless retailers have been particularly successful with the bill payment program. That’s because they are making more commissions on new phone plans they sell when customers come in to pay bills.
For example, when a customer comes in to pay a wireless bill, the merchant will notice that the contract is almost up or that there are better plans available. He knows he can do better for the customer and shows him a plan with more minutes for less money and a new phone to boot. "Nine out of ten times, the customer will switch over.
Merchants get between $1 to $1.25-up for each bill payment transaction. If they sell a cellular phone plan, they may make a $300 commission. If a Convenience-store processes 2000-3000 bill payments each month, that is $2,000 or $3,000 extra in revenues, for very little work. They will also get the purchases for store items.
At a wireless store, 100 payments for cell phones can be converted to 50 new cell plans. Then you are looking at a commission check of $15,000.
One merchant retailer has system in place for several months. At first, they was very skeptical, but it has opened new doors for business owner. Store gets a fee for accepting bill payments and it brings in new contracts. Location also gotten customers into other prepaid programs. Business has increased by 47 percent. There is a sign outside his store that advertises All Bills Accepted Here. Businesses just need to stick with this and it’s the best thing that’s will happened in your business.
Getting customers into a store to pay bills is going to become more and more prevalent. Once customers get used to paying bills at a particular store, it will become a habit. That cannot be a bad thing.
A must read on for merchant retailers.
To learn more go to web site or call toll free 1-877-947-3577
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions For Merchants:
Bill Payment Services Merchant Money Solutions:
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Posted by
ATT SIM ACTIVATIONS with SPIFFS, Handsets and MORE!-Prepaid Cellular Phone Virtual Terminal - Retailers Business Owners Payments System for Walkin Customers. All Major Cellular Carriers Available
6:39 PM

bill payment services,
electronic bill payment services retail services bill payment,
online bill payment services
Monday, September 10, 2007
Prepaid Pins are Revolutionizing the Prepaid Wireless Category and Reaching Out to New Consumers.
Convenience stores delved into the prepaid category years ago by carrying long distance phone cards, long before the explosion of cellular phones. Today, the category has evolved into a distinct wireless that caters to customers looking for a commitment-free way to use the latest cell phones.
Targeting untapped consumer segments has become the driving force behind the changing prepaid wireless category. Retailers are focusing their energies on drawing in young people who need instant access to communication devices such as wireless phones and prepaid cellular calling cards, while retailers are pushing promotions in stores near college campuses and in urban communities to attract these customers.
The convenience of purchasing a pepaid cellular pins really appeals to customers because they can control spending cost.
The prepaid cellular pins come in a variety of set denominations, ranging from as little as $5 to as much as $159, allowing customers to customize their calling plans by purchasing a set amount at a time.
Merchant retailers approach the prepaid products market by targeting lifestyle choices of customers-people who seek a specific item to support their standard of living. Wireless phones and prepaid airtime pins without any shelf space taken or inventory costs to merchant and appeal to groups who need to control spending, travel frequently, have family in other countries and whose past credit may not qualify them for a monthly plan.
The convenience channel is the frontrunner in providing an easy solution for its customers. The type of consumer who typically purchases prepaid wireless items may come from lower-income places and can't be tied down to a contract plan. These are the customers retailers should be targeting.
Customers that shop the prepaid category are looking for an "on-the-go" solution. The wireless pins are perfect for them. They just want to make a quick stop to purchase some talking minutes and don't want to be bogged down with a plan.
The prepaid wireless category delivers retailers high single-digit margins, but the minimal investment required to carry the products makes the category very attractive for retailers. There is no investment and inventory cost required to carry prepaid wireless products since the pin sell quickly. The pins don't require switching out old items for new ones every week like scratch cards.
Prepaid pin sales
The Hispanic demographic is another potential goldmine for retailers who sell prepaid products. Recent studies indicate Hispanics are among the fastest growing demographic in the U.S. with enormous purchasing power. More importantly, the immigrant Hispanic population has a need to make international phone calls to family members and friends in their home countries. As a result, there is a need to provide phone pin-card with international calling abilities. Chains in regions with dense immigrant populations have also profited from carrying bilingual English and Spanish phone pins-cards to meet the consumers' needs.
It's definitely important to have a variety of pins-cards available. The international community needs as much selection as possible since their needs are greatly varied. Also, retailer must try to remember people who are going abroad, as they may want to purchase a bulk of pin-cards for their travels.
Smaller stored are embracing prepaid wireless items because of the ease of sale. The pins are instantly issued at the point of sale, all the retailer has to do is pull a pin to activate it and collect the money. With distributions handling all the merchandising for the prepaid category, retailers can focus on garnering more repeat business for the category.
Prepaid cellular products are a lot more popular now than a few years ago. Customers always asking for the pin in stores-it's an item that just draws people in because of its flexibility and freedom.
A must read on for merchant retailers.To learn more go to web site or call toll free 1-877-947-3577
Prepaid Phone Services Cellular Companies Solutions For Merchants:
Bill Payment Services Retail Services Bill Payment Merchant Money Solutions:
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Targeting untapped consumer segments has become the driving force behind the changing prepaid wireless category. Retailers are focusing their energies on drawing in young people who need instant access to communication devices such as wireless phones and prepaid cellular calling cards, while retailers are pushing promotions in stores near college campuses and in urban communities to attract these customers.
The convenience of purchasing a pepaid cellular pins really appeals to customers because they can control spending cost.
The prepaid cellular pins come in a variety of set denominations, ranging from as little as $5 to as much as $159, allowing customers to customize their calling plans by purchasing a set amount at a time.
Merchant retailers approach the prepaid products market by targeting lifestyle choices of customers-people who seek a specific item to support their standard of living. Wireless phones and prepaid airtime pins without any shelf space taken or inventory costs to merchant and appeal to groups who need to control spending, travel frequently, have family in other countries and whose past credit may not qualify them for a monthly plan.
The convenience channel is the frontrunner in providing an easy solution for its customers. The type of consumer who typically purchases prepaid wireless items may come from lower-income places and can't be tied down to a contract plan. These are the customers retailers should be targeting.
Customers that shop the prepaid category are looking for an "on-the-go" solution. The wireless pins are perfect for them. They just want to make a quick stop to purchase some talking minutes and don't want to be bogged down with a plan.
The prepaid wireless category delivers retailers high single-digit margins, but the minimal investment required to carry the products makes the category very attractive for retailers. There is no investment and inventory cost required to carry prepaid wireless products since the pin sell quickly. The pins don't require switching out old items for new ones every week like scratch cards.
Prepaid pin sales
The Hispanic demographic is another potential goldmine for retailers who sell prepaid products. Recent studies indicate Hispanics are among the fastest growing demographic in the U.S. with enormous purchasing power. More importantly, the immigrant Hispanic population has a need to make international phone calls to family members and friends in their home countries. As a result, there is a need to provide phone pin-card with international calling abilities. Chains in regions with dense immigrant populations have also profited from carrying bilingual English and Spanish phone pins-cards to meet the consumers' needs.
It's definitely important to have a variety of pins-cards available. The international community needs as much selection as possible since their needs are greatly varied. Also, retailer must try to remember people who are going abroad, as they may want to purchase a bulk of pin-cards for their travels.
Smaller stored are embracing prepaid wireless items because of the ease of sale. The pins are instantly issued at the point of sale, all the retailer has to do is pull a pin to activate it and collect the money. With distributions handling all the merchandising for the prepaid category, retailers can focus on garnering more repeat business for the category.
Prepaid cellular products are a lot more popular now than a few years ago. Customers always asking for the pin in stores-it's an item that just draws people in because of its flexibility and freedom.
A must read on for merchant retailers.To learn more go to web site or call toll free 1-877-947-3577
Prepaid Phone Services Cellular Companies Solutions For Merchants:
Bill Payment Services Retail Services Bill Payment Merchant Money Solutions:
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Posted by
ATT SIM ACTIVATIONS with SPIFFS, Handsets and MORE!-Prepaid Cellular Phone Virtual Terminal - Retailers Business Owners Payments System for Walkin Customers. All Major Cellular Carriers Available
12:47 PM

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electronic bill payment services,
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Monday, August 27, 2007
It has been well documented in the media that the balance of power in consumer markets has shifited from the retailer to the customer. Customers may not yet have unlimited choice of retail brands, prices, locations, channels, methonds of delivery and levels of service, but the day is drawing ever closer.
Customers demand solutions enable retailers to synchronize their merchandise strategy with customer demands making it possible to buy what you sell as opposed to continue selling what you buy. This was a long unrelolved eilemma before customer demand solutions turned the supply chain upside down and put the customer in the driver's seat.
Customer Demand Solutions!
Fundamentally, in order to fully leverage customer insight, products should flow the way money flows and more importantly the way information flows, and in doing, move from a traditional supply chain management model to a "demand-pull" model. Or in other words, pull customer demand throught the supply chain. This affords unique opportunities for retailers to drive store growth and customer loyalty.
Ultimately, success with customer demand solutions, to learn a solutions that gives a clear, and frequent repent communication between the walk -in customer and the merchant retailer.
The Ultimately Prepaid Cellular Phones Service Solutions:
Ultimately Bill Payment Solutions For Merchant Walk-in Customers:
Phone: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
It has been well documented in the media that the balance of power in consumer markets has shifited from the retailer to the customer. Customers may not yet have unlimited choice of retail brands, prices, locations, channels, methonds of delivery and levels of service, but the day is drawing ever closer.
Customers demand solutions enable retailers to synchronize their merchandise strategy with customer demands making it possible to buy what you sell as opposed to continue selling what you buy. This was a long unrelolved eilemma before customer demand solutions turned the supply chain upside down and put the customer in the driver's seat.
Customer Demand Solutions!
Fundamentally, in order to fully leverage customer insight, products should flow the way money flows and more importantly the way information flows, and in doing, move from a traditional supply chain management model to a "demand-pull" model. Or in other words, pull customer demand throught the supply chain. This affords unique opportunities for retailers to drive store growth and customer loyalty.
Ultimately, success with customer demand solutions, to learn a solutions that gives a clear, and frequent repent communication between the walk -in customer and the merchant retailer.
The Ultimately Prepaid Cellular Phones Service Solutions:
Ultimately Bill Payment Solutions For Merchant Walk-in Customers:
Phone: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Attention, All Retailers!. Don't Miss Out of Superior Bill Payment Services & the Most Wider Variety of Prepaid Cellular Products.
Merchant Retailers Work-Out For Healthier Sales and Profits!
Try to avoid saying the word "no" for an entire day. It's hard. "No" is one of the first words we learn to comprehend as children. If you find it too difficult to totally eliminate the word from your vocabulary for 24 hours, just try to keep from starting sentences with it. Even that can be a challenge. The point is to focus on the positive, and be able to tell your customer what you can do, not what you can't.
Try to avoid saying "I don't know" for an entire day. This one isn't as tricky as avoiding "no", but you might be surprised how often you'll catch yourself. If you're asked a question that you don't know the answer to, simply say something along the lines of "That's a good question. I'm not sure, so let me get you a definite answer." You owe it to yourself and to your customer to have accurate information.
Speak to your colleagues only in questions. This one can be tricky. If you're not careful it can quickly become annoying to others. A helpful tip is to watch how you speak your questions. Also, make sure you're asking complete questions, not just asking "why?" That doesn't count.
Speaking of questions, here's one you should already be doing but I'll throw it in because it never hurts to practice.
Only ask questions that can't be answered with a "yes" or "no". Open-ended questions are your best tool for learning about customers' needs. Star your questions with "who", "what", "where", "when", or "why" and you'll unearth a wealth of information to help you find the right product for your customer.
Go a day without wearing your watch. Again, another tough exercise. You customers deserve your undivided attention. Looking at your watch, even for a moment, can detract from your interaction with them. Even if you're not directly engaged with a customer, looking at your watch can make you look aloof and anxious to move on to your next activity. Granted, you might be late for a lunch break, or overstay your shift, but you'll find that there's one less distraction to take you away from serving your customer. Of course, if your job is selling watches, you might want to skip this particular exercise.
Go a day without anything in your pockets. This follows along the same theme as a day without your watch. When you arrive at work, empty your pockets and put your belongings in a safe place. Now go through the day without putting anything in your pockets. No pens, no notes, no business cards, no change, and especially not your hands. Think of all the things you stuff in your pockets during the course of the day, and most of it is either ignored at the end of the day or ends up in the wash. And nobody likes to see a salesperson standing around with his or her hands in their pockets.
A must read on for merchant retailers.
To learn more go to web site or call toll free 1-877-947-3577
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions For Merchants:
Bill Payment Services Merchant Money Solutions:
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Try to avoid saying the word "no" for an entire day. It's hard. "No" is one of the first words we learn to comprehend as children. If you find it too difficult to totally eliminate the word from your vocabulary for 24 hours, just try to keep from starting sentences with it. Even that can be a challenge. The point is to focus on the positive, and be able to tell your customer what you can do, not what you can't.
Try to avoid saying "I don't know" for an entire day. This one isn't as tricky as avoiding "no", but you might be surprised how often you'll catch yourself. If you're asked a question that you don't know the answer to, simply say something along the lines of "That's a good question. I'm not sure, so let me get you a definite answer." You owe it to yourself and to your customer to have accurate information.
Speak to your colleagues only in questions. This one can be tricky. If you're not careful it can quickly become annoying to others. A helpful tip is to watch how you speak your questions. Also, make sure you're asking complete questions, not just asking "why?" That doesn't count.
Speaking of questions, here's one you should already be doing but I'll throw it in because it never hurts to practice.
Only ask questions that can't be answered with a "yes" or "no". Open-ended questions are your best tool for learning about customers' needs. Star your questions with "who", "what", "where", "when", or "why" and you'll unearth a wealth of information to help you find the right product for your customer.
Go a day without wearing your watch. Again, another tough exercise. You customers deserve your undivided attention. Looking at your watch, even for a moment, can detract from your interaction with them. Even if you're not directly engaged with a customer, looking at your watch can make you look aloof and anxious to move on to your next activity. Granted, you might be late for a lunch break, or overstay your shift, but you'll find that there's one less distraction to take you away from serving your customer. Of course, if your job is selling watches, you might want to skip this particular exercise.
Go a day without anything in your pockets. This follows along the same theme as a day without your watch. When you arrive at work, empty your pockets and put your belongings in a safe place. Now go through the day without putting anything in your pockets. No pens, no notes, no business cards, no change, and especially not your hands. Think of all the things you stuff in your pockets during the course of the day, and most of it is either ignored at the end of the day or ends up in the wash. And nobody likes to see a salesperson standing around with his or her hands in their pockets.
A must read on for merchant retailers.
To learn more go to web site or call toll free 1-877-947-3577
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions For Merchants:
Bill Payment Services Merchant Money Solutions:
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Prepaid Cellular Phone Services Merchants - Bill Payment Services Money Solutions For Merchant Retailers Walk-In Customers
Prepaid Cellular Phone Services Merchants - Bill Payment Services Money Solutions For Merchant Retailers Walk-In Customers
Prepaid cell phone plans used to be sketchy alternatives for those with less than stellar credit ratings, but not anymore. They can be ideal for anyone who's had enough of restrictive two-year contracts, scary overage fees, or micromanagement of cell phone minutes. Likewise, while they used to be more expensive than traditional plans, prepaid costs have begun to fall, and the plans have become just another way to break into the cell phone game. As the popularity of prepaid has skyrocketed, even the big brand-name carriers have jumped onto the bandwagon.
Prepaid plans are pretty self-explanatory: you open an account and pay for airtime up front. When you run out of minutes, you either pony up for more or, if you've had enough, simply let your plan expire. Want to switch carriers or cancel your service? No problem--you're not under contract, so you're free to jump ship anytime.
Though they can have advantages over traditional plansn, But if you need the phone only for emergencies, if you use your mobile very infrequently, or if you're simply a commitmentphobe who'd rather not sign a two-year contract, you're an ideal candidate for a prepaid plan. Not only can it save you money in the long run, but it can also be a great way for cell phone newbies to get their feet wet. For example, a senior citizen who has never used a cell phone may appreciate the simplicity, while a teenager buying a first mobile can learn the responsibility that comes with it.
The big advantage of prepaid is that there's little hassle and no commitment. How to use a prepaid plan. To get started with a prepaid plan, you buy a phone and a set amount of service. For some carriers, you pay specifically for a bucket of minutes, ranging from 30 to 1,000; for other carriers, you buy the equivalent of a calling card (say, $25). When you use up your minutes or your calling card, your phone stops working, and you must buy more--thus, avoiding overage charges. You can shop through the carrier's Web site, or you can go to a carrier store or a local retailer and buy your phone and minutes in person. While most carriers have simple plans where you just buy minutes as you need them, others have monthly rates or autopay options where your credit or ATM card is automatically charged a set dollar amount each month. As you make calls, the per-minute cost is deducted from the monthly amount until you have no more money or time left.
A must read on for merchant retailers.
To learn more go to web site or call toll free 1-877-947-3577
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions For Merchants:
Bill Payment Services Merchant Money Solutions:
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Prepaid cell phone plans used to be sketchy alternatives for those with less than stellar credit ratings, but not anymore. They can be ideal for anyone who's had enough of restrictive two-year contracts, scary overage fees, or micromanagement of cell phone minutes. Likewise, while they used to be more expensive than traditional plans, prepaid costs have begun to fall, and the plans have become just another way to break into the cell phone game. As the popularity of prepaid has skyrocketed, even the big brand-name carriers have jumped onto the bandwagon.
Prepaid plans are pretty self-explanatory: you open an account and pay for airtime up front. When you run out of minutes, you either pony up for more or, if you've had enough, simply let your plan expire. Want to switch carriers or cancel your service? No problem--you're not under contract, so you're free to jump ship anytime.
Though they can have advantages over traditional plansn, But if you need the phone only for emergencies, if you use your mobile very infrequently, or if you're simply a commitmentphobe who'd rather not sign a two-year contract, you're an ideal candidate for a prepaid plan. Not only can it save you money in the long run, but it can also be a great way for cell phone newbies to get their feet wet. For example, a senior citizen who has never used a cell phone may appreciate the simplicity, while a teenager buying a first mobile can learn the responsibility that comes with it.
The big advantage of prepaid is that there's little hassle and no commitment. How to use a prepaid plan. To get started with a prepaid plan, you buy a phone and a set amount of service. For some carriers, you pay specifically for a bucket of minutes, ranging from 30 to 1,000; for other carriers, you buy the equivalent of a calling card (say, $25). When you use up your minutes or your calling card, your phone stops working, and you must buy more--thus, avoiding overage charges. You can shop through the carrier's Web site, or you can go to a carrier store or a local retailer and buy your phone and minutes in person. While most carriers have simple plans where you just buy minutes as you need them, others have monthly rates or autopay options where your credit or ATM card is automatically charged a set dollar amount each month. As you make calls, the per-minute cost is deducted from the monthly amount until you have no more money or time left.
A must read on for merchant retailers.
To learn more go to web site or call toll free 1-877-947-3577
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions For Merchants:
Bill Payment Services Merchant Money Solutions:
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Electronic Age Offers the Wave Of The Future for Businesses. Cellular Service Prepaid Pin Solutions & Bill Payment Services
The electronic age has been bridged by a new electronic bill payment service now offered through Prepaid Wireless Direct, Solutions for Retailers. The service is called Pay All Bills and provides "one-stop" convenience for anyone needing to pay any bill.
The entire process is completely safe, reliable and underwritten by an F.D.I.C. insured bank. Rather than purchasing a money order, finding an envelope, purchasing a stamp, and taking the bill to the post office, a person, by taking that bill or statement to Merchant Retailers, can become an established bill payment customer and pay any bill that is payable to any biller. The entire bill payment process is completed at one convenient location. The Pay All Bills system is a nationwide, Internet based solution allowing Merchant Retailer Customers to make it an easy choice for any person to pay any and all of their bills, month after month. The system utilizes relationships with thousands of commercial billers in various industries that have agreed to accept payments electronically. Additionally, any biller not currently participating in our electronic network will be contacted by the service to discuss details about how their business can become eligible to receive payments electronically, thereby enhancing their customer service.
Time frames for payment settlement vary between billers, most as quickly as two business days, depending on whether the biller can accept electronic remittance. Even if a biller cannot receive an electronic payment, still forwards the funds to the biller."This process has been well received by billers and customers alike," said Kirk McLaughlin, CEO, Bank, Ralls, Texas, owner of the bill payment software. "Inexpensive electronic bill payment has been reserved for those with a bank account, until now. We are pleased to offer to individuals that do not have a banking relationship a way to conveniently pay bills, too," added McLaughlin.
More infomation about bill payment services & prepaid wireless cellular providers can be found at:
Cellular Phone Distributor Prepaid Pin Cards:
Phone Toll Free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
The entire process is completely safe, reliable and underwritten by an F.D.I.C. insured bank. Rather than purchasing a money order, finding an envelope, purchasing a stamp, and taking the bill to the post office, a person, by taking that bill or statement to Merchant Retailers, can become an established bill payment customer and pay any bill that is payable to any biller. The entire bill payment process is completed at one convenient location. The Pay All Bills system is a nationwide, Internet based solution allowing Merchant Retailer Customers to make it an easy choice for any person to pay any and all of their bills, month after month. The system utilizes relationships with thousands of commercial billers in various industries that have agreed to accept payments electronically. Additionally, any biller not currently participating in our electronic network will be contacted by the service to discuss details about how their business can become eligible to receive payments electronically, thereby enhancing their customer service.
Time frames for payment settlement vary between billers, most as quickly as two business days, depending on whether the biller can accept electronic remittance. Even if a biller cannot receive an electronic payment, still forwards the funds to the biller."This process has been well received by billers and customers alike," said Kirk McLaughlin, CEO, Bank, Ralls, Texas, owner of the bill payment software. "Inexpensive electronic bill payment has been reserved for those with a bank account, until now. We are pleased to offer to individuals that do not have a banking relationship a way to conveniently pay bills, too," added McLaughlin.
More infomation about bill payment services & prepaid wireless cellular providers can be found at:
Cellular Phone Distributor Prepaid Pin Cards:
Phone Toll Free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Bill Payment Services & Prepaid Cellular Solutions SERVING THE UNBANKED AND UNDERBANKED: Wireless Cellular Dealers, Convenience Stores, Supermarkets,
Bill Payment Services & Prepaid Cellular Solutions SERVING THE UNBANKED AND UNDERBANKED
Convenience stores are uniquely positioned to provide financial services to the the nation's 25 million unbanked, and 40 million underbanked people with no or low credit scores, because lower income consumers ten to be heavier users of convenience stores for food and beverage already.
Convenience stores need to build and drive a technology program that taps into a lot of technology. The technology category is about velocity of sales. So when speaking about revenue share, it's not about having the biggest margins or the biggest fee, it's about value to your business and how the growth, through support, technology and innovation, makes you more additional dollars in the long term.
Bill Payment Services & Prepaid Cellular Services builds premiun value to your business. Think Bill Payment Services deviate from what you are used to selling. Instead of offering your business a way to accept payments, You're be offering products and services to resell in your business. So let's jump right into answering your business most important question. W.I.I.F.B.O ( What's in it for Business Owner.)
The answer is twofold, First increased repeat foot traffic into your business, Second it's another thing to sell, a solution that's fairly hassle free. What I mean by hassle free is that it doesn't take up a lot of counter space, you don't pay for it until it's sold, you have access to virtually unlimited inventory & don't have to check in or out, and it has no expiration date. Your existing customers will be inclined to make extra visits to pay all their bills, and new customers will be drawn in because of the additional service. How many customer's come through your store each day that need to pay bills or have cellular phone?.
Become part of the solutions for the un-banked customers in your area, as in-demand Prepaid Money Solutons Merchant Agent. For more infomation on merchant benefits, customer benefits and to get started today click on link:
One Stop Shop Premium Money Solutions:
Call now, deal with expert staff for your premium solutions.Phone: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Convenience stores are uniquely positioned to provide financial services to the the nation's 25 million unbanked, and 40 million underbanked people with no or low credit scores, because lower income consumers ten to be heavier users of convenience stores for food and beverage already.
Convenience stores need to build and drive a technology program that taps into a lot of technology. The technology category is about velocity of sales. So when speaking about revenue share, it's not about having the biggest margins or the biggest fee, it's about value to your business and how the growth, through support, technology and innovation, makes you more additional dollars in the long term.
Bill Payment Services & Prepaid Cellular Services builds premiun value to your business. Think Bill Payment Services deviate from what you are used to selling. Instead of offering your business a way to accept payments, You're be offering products and services to resell in your business. So let's jump right into answering your business most important question. W.I.I.F.B.O ( What's in it for Business Owner.)
The answer is twofold, First increased repeat foot traffic into your business, Second it's another thing to sell, a solution that's fairly hassle free. What I mean by hassle free is that it doesn't take up a lot of counter space, you don't pay for it until it's sold, you have access to virtually unlimited inventory & don't have to check in or out, and it has no expiration date. Your existing customers will be inclined to make extra visits to pay all their bills, and new customers will be drawn in because of the additional service. How many customer's come through your store each day that need to pay bills or have cellular phone?.
Become part of the solutions for the un-banked customers in your area, as in-demand Prepaid Money Solutons Merchant Agent. For more infomation on merchant benefits, customer benefits and to get started today click on link:
One Stop Shop Premium Money Solutions:
Call now, deal with expert staff for your premium solutions.Phone: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Secret To Retail Success - Prepaid Cellular Services - Bill Payment Services
Secret To Retail Success - Prepaid Cellular Services - Bill Payment Services
Instead of helping customers the way you like to be helped, work with your customers the way you wish you were helped.
And that's the secret to success on the retail floor. Treat people the way you wish to be treated. Think about what's important to you. You want salespeople who are attentive but not pushy. You want someone who can answer your questions and help you select the right products. Someone who can help you get the most for your money. Someone who will give you the right answer, not just the answer you want to hear. Someone who you trust, like, and want to go back to again.
Don't treat your customers a certain way because of bad retail salespeople, treat your customers a certain way because you're a good retail salesperson.
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.
To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions For Businesses:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Instead of helping customers the way you like to be helped, work with your customers the way you wish you were helped.
And that's the secret to success on the retail floor. Treat people the way you wish to be treated. Think about what's important to you. You want salespeople who are attentive but not pushy. You want someone who can answer your questions and help you select the right products. Someone who can help you get the most for your money. Someone who will give you the right answer, not just the answer you want to hear. Someone who you trust, like, and want to go back to again.
Don't treat your customers a certain way because of bad retail salespeople, treat your customers a certain way because you're a good retail salesperson.
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.
To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions For Businesses:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Prepaid Solutions the Cost Saving for Big & Small Businesses with Prepaid Phones
Innovative Cost Saving For Businesses with Prepaid Cell Phones
Strategies to Reduce Cost with Prepaid Cellular Phone Systems For Businesses
The biggest benefits of having a prepaid wireless phones for your business is businesses don't need to have an annual contracts, a credit check, or a deposit, for cellular phones, all businesses have to do is buy, activate, and dial the phone to make a call.
Prepaid cellular phones, unlike their more conventional counterparts, do not require a commitment to a monthly service plan. Instead businesses prepay for air time much as they might buy long-distance phone cards. Prepaid cell phones are of substantial interest to businesses who might like to control cost for a cellular phone for occasional use--for unexpected roadside emergencies, for example. But if your business just want to have a cell phone as insurance, it can be irritating to pay a conventional cellular telephone bill of $200 or $300 a Month, month after month. For this type of business, prepaid cell phones may seem quite attractive.
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.
To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on. Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions For Businesses:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Strategies to Reduce Cost with Prepaid Cellular Phone Systems For Businesses
The biggest benefits of having a prepaid wireless phones for your business is businesses don't need to have an annual contracts, a credit check, or a deposit, for cellular phones, all businesses have to do is buy, activate, and dial the phone to make a call.
Prepaid cellular phones, unlike their more conventional counterparts, do not require a commitment to a monthly service plan. Instead businesses prepay for air time much as they might buy long-distance phone cards. Prepaid cell phones are of substantial interest to businesses who might like to control cost for a cellular phone for occasional use--for unexpected roadside emergencies, for example. But if your business just want to have a cell phone as insurance, it can be irritating to pay a conventional cellular telephone bill of $200 or $300 a Month, month after month. For this type of business, prepaid cell phones may seem quite attractive.
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.
To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on. Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions For Businesses:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Attention, All Wireless Cellular Dealers, Convenience Stores, Supermarkets, Drug Stores, Office Super Stores, Gas Stations, and Discount Stores.
Attention, Wireless Cellular Dealers, Convenience Stores, Supermarkets, Drug Stores, Office Super Stores, Gas Stations, and Discount Stores. Tips for Retailers to Maintain Success and Keep Customers Happy
Retailers should focus on the following five areas to stay successful in 2007 and beyond.
1. Fulfillment – Retailers have a number of channels to manage as customers have their pick of buying at the store. Today, traditional order management systems are not able to fulfill orders through the mixed modes of modern retailing. Such systems operate independent of each other and do not communicate effectively with inventory tracking systems. Lack of a strategic and flexible fulfillment strategy can create supply chain bottlenecks, late shipments and customer complaints. There are order management solutions available that can enable retailers to manage multiple order fulfillment channels, dynamically source and allocate supply and increase visibility into global inventory to deliver customer orders quickly and efficiently.
2. Global Inventory Visibility – Retailers not only need global inventory visibility, but also a broad view of the different channels customers use so information can flow seamlessly to enable better buys, a consistent message and improved vendor relations. Global inventory visibility allows retailers to drive more business by using strategic business plans that help ensure the best merchandising decisions are made.
3. Inventory Optimization – Customer demand is always changing and retailers need solutions that can help them adapt. A key challenge for retailers is optimally managing inventory as one central pool and at the same time planning and forecasting demand based on the unique needs of each individual channel—where metrics, attributes and structure vary significantly. By utilizing solutions that support these unique needs, retailers can increase profitability across the entire enterprise and provide a consistent message to keep their consumers happy.
4. Complex Order Management – Success for a retailer comes from a fully integrated, complex order management solution that addresses all customer channels, including stores, eCommerce, call centers, B2B, etc. End customers are demanding greater product choice, multiple delivery options, consistent brand representation and most of all, excellent customer services for wherever and whenever they want to shop. For retailers to effectively retain their customers and compete from a service and cost perspective, they need seamless order management capabilities that streamline processes to deliver value to customers.
5. Merchandise Planning – Retailers must be strategic and drive their business through thoughtful planning of financial, operating, assortment, demand and promotions for each channel. Support of a consumer-centric merchandising strategy integrates these processes, allowing retailers to make better decisions based on consumer demand signals. Better management between planning and execution increases business efficiencies, boosts customer satisfaction and keeps customers coming back.
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.
To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Retailers should focus on the following five areas to stay successful in 2007 and beyond.
1. Fulfillment – Retailers have a number of channels to manage as customers have their pick of buying at the store. Today, traditional order management systems are not able to fulfill orders through the mixed modes of modern retailing. Such systems operate independent of each other and do not communicate effectively with inventory tracking systems. Lack of a strategic and flexible fulfillment strategy can create supply chain bottlenecks, late shipments and customer complaints. There are order management solutions available that can enable retailers to manage multiple order fulfillment channels, dynamically source and allocate supply and increase visibility into global inventory to deliver customer orders quickly and efficiently.
2. Global Inventory Visibility – Retailers not only need global inventory visibility, but also a broad view of the different channels customers use so information can flow seamlessly to enable better buys, a consistent message and improved vendor relations. Global inventory visibility allows retailers to drive more business by using strategic business plans that help ensure the best merchandising decisions are made.
3. Inventory Optimization – Customer demand is always changing and retailers need solutions that can help them adapt. A key challenge for retailers is optimally managing inventory as one central pool and at the same time planning and forecasting demand based on the unique needs of each individual channel—where metrics, attributes and structure vary significantly. By utilizing solutions that support these unique needs, retailers can increase profitability across the entire enterprise and provide a consistent message to keep their consumers happy.
4. Complex Order Management – Success for a retailer comes from a fully integrated, complex order management solution that addresses all customer channels, including stores, eCommerce, call centers, B2B, etc. End customers are demanding greater product choice, multiple delivery options, consistent brand representation and most of all, excellent customer services for wherever and whenever they want to shop. For retailers to effectively retain their customers and compete from a service and cost perspective, they need seamless order management capabilities that streamline processes to deliver value to customers.
5. Merchandise Planning – Retailers must be strategic and drive their business through thoughtful planning of financial, operating, assortment, demand and promotions for each channel. Support of a consumer-centric merchandising strategy integrates these processes, allowing retailers to make better decisions based on consumer demand signals. Better management between planning and execution increases business efficiencies, boosts customer satisfaction and keeps customers coming back.
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.
To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Attention, Wireless Cellular Dealers, Convenience Stores, Supermarkets, Drug Stores, Office Super Stores, Gas Stations, and Discount Stores.
Why risk the service or sales of one carrier when you can have over 50 prepaid wireless cellular carriers and More!, in your store with-out any inventory cost and amazing discounts.
Never must a sale again, when a customer ask if you carry a prepaid carrier, you will carry all & any provider, and never be out of stock of pins/cards ever.
Your business depends upon the reliability of your carriers.
For business owners, time is the money you have invested in phonecards that may sit on a shelf, or even worse, lose when a carrier goes out of business. Put your money to work for you.
We have access to over 50 licensed carriers, so you never have to depend on one carrier again. It's easy to set up an account and you only pay for time used by your customers.
The prepaid services system allow retailers to recharge or top-up a customers prepaid wireless phone on-line in a matter of seconds, with the risks and issues associated with stocking scratch cards. This dynamic service was created in response to the growing demand for prepaid services across th US.
The Electronic Cellular Recharge Concept to Develop a Model Which Addresses a Number of Abjectives.
A station that Eliminates Theft - The displayed cards have no value. A station that Reduces Display Space - There is no need for card with multiple dollar denomination.
A station that increase customer loyalty and Encourages Repeat Business.
A station that Easily Add Products - When new Pre-Paid products become available, they can be added with a simple program download.
To provide ease of use front end services. Sell Now, Pay Later - You only pay for what you actually sell. You never have to buy an inventory. Don't incur any costs on products until after they are sold and you have collected the money.
Wider variety of products. Eliminates running out of product inventory. Provides real-time sales data. Provides tracking of all sales data at all levels of business. Provides daily reports via terminal processing unit. Eliminates card production and delivery costs. Significant new revenue source.
The concept for the electronic cellular recharge is that from a single POSA Terminal, a retail merchant can offer his customer multiple Prepaid services. This concept is superior to merchants having to use "LIVE" prepaid cards that are expensive to purchase and are plague by theft. A merchant must make as many as 10 Pre-paid card sales to makeup for the theft of one live card.
Whether your organization cellular wireless dealer store or a corporate entity with divisional and district managers, or a more loose structure with master agents and sales reps, Prepaid Wireless Direct back office management system allows for total control at every management level.
Prepaid system network is the most sophisticated of its type in the industry -- simple, intuitive, and powerful.
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.
To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Never must a sale again, when a customer ask if you carry a prepaid carrier, you will carry all & any provider, and never be out of stock of pins/cards ever.
Your business depends upon the reliability of your carriers.
For business owners, time is the money you have invested in phonecards that may sit on a shelf, or even worse, lose when a carrier goes out of business. Put your money to work for you.
We have access to over 50 licensed carriers, so you never have to depend on one carrier again. It's easy to set up an account and you only pay for time used by your customers.
The prepaid services system allow retailers to recharge or top-up a customers prepaid wireless phone on-line in a matter of seconds, with the risks and issues associated with stocking scratch cards. This dynamic service was created in response to the growing demand for prepaid services across th US.
The Electronic Cellular Recharge Concept to Develop a Model Which Addresses a Number of Abjectives.
A station that Eliminates Theft - The displayed cards have no value. A station that Reduces Display Space - There is no need for card with multiple dollar denomination.
A station that increase customer loyalty and Encourages Repeat Business.
A station that Easily Add Products - When new Pre-Paid products become available, they can be added with a simple program download.
To provide ease of use front end services. Sell Now, Pay Later - You only pay for what you actually sell. You never have to buy an inventory. Don't incur any costs on products until after they are sold and you have collected the money.
Wider variety of products. Eliminates running out of product inventory. Provides real-time sales data. Provides tracking of all sales data at all levels of business. Provides daily reports via terminal processing unit. Eliminates card production and delivery costs. Significant new revenue source.
The concept for the electronic cellular recharge is that from a single POSA Terminal, a retail merchant can offer his customer multiple Prepaid services. This concept is superior to merchants having to use "LIVE" prepaid cards that are expensive to purchase and are plague by theft. A merchant must make as many as 10 Pre-paid card sales to makeup for the theft of one live card.
Whether your organization cellular wireless dealer store or a corporate entity with divisional and district managers, or a more loose structure with master agents and sales reps, Prepaid Wireless Direct back office management system allows for total control at every management level.
Prepaid system network is the most sophisticated of its type in the industry -- simple, intuitive, and powerful.
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.
To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Merchant Retailers thrive on the challenges of finding the right Solutions Systems that will Pay All Billers For Walk-in Customers.
Merchant Retailers thrive on the challenges of finding the right Solutions Systems that will Pay All Billers For Walk-in Customers. Bill Payment Services - Prepaid Phone Services .
Now is the time to get set for the peak selling season. Working with vendors has dramatically changed over the last decade. At one time you could count on vendors and manufacturers’ reps stopping into your store with the latest and greatest items. That was before company mergers, rising gas prices and the decline in company expense accounts. Now, especially if your business is outside a major metropolitan area, except for your local suppliers, you hardly ever see a vendor’s face. As a result, store owners need to be creative about how they find the right items at the right time at the right price.
Before we start dealing with vendors, let’s discuss what makes a good buyer or rather a great buyer.
1. The best buyers are those that understand that buying is an art, not a science. Buying is an ever-changing, market-driven skill, forever in a state of flux. Some things are basic accounting like I sold 1,000 batteries last year and my customer base is growing at 10% so I should buy 1,100 this year. But the majority of what you buy to make you different from your competition, is based on pulling together all of the information you have gathered from your research, readings and interaction with customers and employees.
2. The best buyers understand that buying is actually selling. You are selling your store as well as yourself to vendors to get what you want. A great buyer makes a vendor understand that having their merchandise in your store will be an asset for the vendor.
3. The best buyers understand that money is made in the buy. So do your homework before committing to the price on an item. Know what the competition is offering. Always negotiate with the following in mind: to serve your customers well, to make sure these customers will be getting the most for their money, and obviously you need to get the most for your investment.
Preparing for the buy is the most crucial, yet the most difficult aspect of your job because:
1. Temptation- As you begin dealing with several vendors in several different settings, whether in their beautiful showrooms or in booth after booth at a trade show, the temptation is always there to buy a lot more than can actually fit into your store- or your budget.
2. Timing- The timing of product coming into your store is vital. If you give a vendor an order today, you need to know when it will arrive. Too early or too late will play havoc on your sales and selling space.
3. Planning- Paperwork can be a comfort or a nuisance, depending on your point of view, but planning and keeping the paperwork organized is vital to your long-term buying success. Never, and I repeat never, make a buying decision until you are sure it fits within your financial buying plans.
When you are dealing with vendors keep in mind:1. Be prepared- Know your store, know your customer, know your niche intimately. Know the competition, know how much you have to spend and know the reputation of the vendor you are dealing with.
2. Negotiate with the right person- Make sure you deal with a decision maker for this vendor, not just an order taker or gatekeeper. You may be small but you are going to grow. Convince the vendor that you are someone to watch and it is worth the boss’s time to meet you.
3. Give yourself room to maneuver- Without appearing too coy, don’t back yourself into a corner by being too black and white in dealing with vendors. Always have a backup plan if you really want a certain product.
4. Don’t give away too much too soon- Vendors can sense when a buyer is over anxious for a product. When this happens, buyers lose the leverage they had when they walked into the booth. Like gamblers maintain their "poker faces", buyers need to have their "game face" on when dealing with vendors. This does not mean you have to be stern or dour. Be warm and pleasant and have a good laugh and vendors will tend to give you a break. Just don’t seem too over anxious.
5. Be prepared to say no- Saying no is the hardest, and yet the most essential skill for a buyer to learn. If something is just not right for your organization, like price or case pack, you have to be prepared to say no and walk away. Often the vendor will come back to you with the right deal. I call this "buyer chicken". Who will blink first?
6. Make your word your bond- In buying, as in life, ethics make the man or woman. Your word is your bond. If you commit and give your word, make sure you follow up and execute what you say you are going to do. Vendors, knowing they can count on you, will help you in many unexpected ways. Buying goods from the right resources is the very heartbeat of running your business. No matter how dynamic you make the store look, or how good the location of your store, if you have the wrong goods at the wrong price, you just won’t make it in this highly competitive world of retailing. Entrepreneurs thrive on the challenges of finding the right products at the right price at the right time. That is the inner strength that drives us to succeed.
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.
To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Now is the time to get set for the peak selling season. Working with vendors has dramatically changed over the last decade. At one time you could count on vendors and manufacturers’ reps stopping into your store with the latest and greatest items. That was before company mergers, rising gas prices and the decline in company expense accounts. Now, especially if your business is outside a major metropolitan area, except for your local suppliers, you hardly ever see a vendor’s face. As a result, store owners need to be creative about how they find the right items at the right time at the right price.
Before we start dealing with vendors, let’s discuss what makes a good buyer or rather a great buyer.
1. The best buyers are those that understand that buying is an art, not a science. Buying is an ever-changing, market-driven skill, forever in a state of flux. Some things are basic accounting like I sold 1,000 batteries last year and my customer base is growing at 10% so I should buy 1,100 this year. But the majority of what you buy to make you different from your competition, is based on pulling together all of the information you have gathered from your research, readings and interaction with customers and employees.
2. The best buyers understand that buying is actually selling. You are selling your store as well as yourself to vendors to get what you want. A great buyer makes a vendor understand that having their merchandise in your store will be an asset for the vendor.
3. The best buyers understand that money is made in the buy. So do your homework before committing to the price on an item. Know what the competition is offering. Always negotiate with the following in mind: to serve your customers well, to make sure these customers will be getting the most for their money, and obviously you need to get the most for your investment.
Preparing for the buy is the most crucial, yet the most difficult aspect of your job because:
1. Temptation- As you begin dealing with several vendors in several different settings, whether in their beautiful showrooms or in booth after booth at a trade show, the temptation is always there to buy a lot more than can actually fit into your store- or your budget.
2. Timing- The timing of product coming into your store is vital. If you give a vendor an order today, you need to know when it will arrive. Too early or too late will play havoc on your sales and selling space.
3. Planning- Paperwork can be a comfort or a nuisance, depending on your point of view, but planning and keeping the paperwork organized is vital to your long-term buying success. Never, and I repeat never, make a buying decision until you are sure it fits within your financial buying plans.
When you are dealing with vendors keep in mind:1. Be prepared- Know your store, know your customer, know your niche intimately. Know the competition, know how much you have to spend and know the reputation of the vendor you are dealing with.
2. Negotiate with the right person- Make sure you deal with a decision maker for this vendor, not just an order taker or gatekeeper. You may be small but you are going to grow. Convince the vendor that you are someone to watch and it is worth the boss’s time to meet you.
3. Give yourself room to maneuver- Without appearing too coy, don’t back yourself into a corner by being too black and white in dealing with vendors. Always have a backup plan if you really want a certain product.
4. Don’t give away too much too soon- Vendors can sense when a buyer is over anxious for a product. When this happens, buyers lose the leverage they had when they walked into the booth. Like gamblers maintain their "poker faces", buyers need to have their "game face" on when dealing with vendors. This does not mean you have to be stern or dour. Be warm and pleasant and have a good laugh and vendors will tend to give you a break. Just don’t seem too over anxious.
5. Be prepared to say no- Saying no is the hardest, and yet the most essential skill for a buyer to learn. If something is just not right for your organization, like price or case pack, you have to be prepared to say no and walk away. Often the vendor will come back to you with the right deal. I call this "buyer chicken". Who will blink first?
6. Make your word your bond- In buying, as in life, ethics make the man or woman. Your word is your bond. If you commit and give your word, make sure you follow up and execute what you say you are going to do. Vendors, knowing they can count on you, will help you in many unexpected ways. Buying goods from the right resources is the very heartbeat of running your business. No matter how dynamic you make the store look, or how good the location of your store, if you have the wrong goods at the wrong price, you just won’t make it in this highly competitive world of retailing. Entrepreneurs thrive on the challenges of finding the right products at the right price at the right time. That is the inner strength that drives us to succeed.
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.
To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Merchant Retailers Differentiate their Approach. Prepaid Phone Services - Bill Payment Services Money Solutions
Merchant retailers must differentiate their approach, take a look at these fifteen sentences your retail employees should avoid saying to their customers
1. "How may I help you?" - It's old, tired, and way overused. If you visit ten stores on a shopping trip you're bound to hear it at least five times, which also means you were probably ignored three or four times. Kill it.
2. "Feel free to look around." - Also old, tired, and way overused. It's like you're giving me permission to look around in your store.
3. "Let me know if you have any questions." - Okay, maybe not as tired as the first two but definitely overused. If you use this one, think about changing it to "I'll be happy to assist you at any time."
4. "Let me know if you need any help." - See #3.
5. "We're out of stock but you can call us after our truck comes in." - This virtually invites the customer to shop your competition because you clearly don't care if that person makes a purchase from you or not. Always offer to call the customer.
6. "I don't know when [insert another employee's name] is going to be in." - Either check the schedule or offer to take the customer's name and phone number.
7. "I wouldn't know." - This is only acceptable if it is followed by, "But I'll find out."
8. "I can't do that." - Hopefully we say "yes" more often than "no," but sometimes we do have to tell a customer we're unable to fulfill a request. Instead of saying "I can't" it will sound a little better if you say "I'm unable to."
9. "Hold on please." - If you need to put a customer on hold, ask if it's okay and estimate how long she can expect to wait. "May I put you on hold for about thirty seconds while I find the answer?" Someone once asked me what happens if the customer says no. While I've never heard of that happening, I guess I wouldn't tell the customer I'm putting them on hold but that I'm putting the phone down. As a side note, if you're busy or whatever you're going to do will take longer than a minute or two, consider calling the customer back. Time passes slowly when you're on hold.
10. "Anything else?" or "Will that be it?" - Usually these are feeble attempt to add-on to a sale. The customer almost always replies "no" to the first or "yes" to the second. To enhance a customer's purchase the employee should either suggest a product or at least not ask a close-ended question.
11. "No problem." - Ahhhhhh! No problem is not a proper substitute for, "You're welcome." If you listen for it today I will guarantee you hear it at least once, quite possibly coming from your own mouth.
12. "Uh-uh." or "Yea." - These are not a proper substitute for "yes."
13. "What's up?" - At the very least this shouldn't be said by or to anyone over the age of 30.
14. "How's it going, guys?" - "Guys" could be the most misused word in society today. I do understand that it has become an informal term for people but my personal opinion is it if it is used with families or women over the age of 30 that it shows a lack of respect. (Disclaimer: I've arbitrarily picked 30 as a cut off point. I think it is something that you should determine according to your customer base, market segment, community, etc.)
15. Any personal conversation between employees. It has a negative impact on the customer experience and kills more sales than most retail employees know.
Retail business owners got to be willing to take an honest look at where there business is today and where it want's it to be in the future. Once owners determined the outcome, strategically plan the actions neccessary to achieve their desired result goals.
In closing remarks, businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation to achieve your desired business results toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
1. "How may I help you?" - It's old, tired, and way overused. If you visit ten stores on a shopping trip you're bound to hear it at least five times, which also means you were probably ignored three or four times. Kill it.
2. "Feel free to look around." - Also old, tired, and way overused. It's like you're giving me permission to look around in your store.
3. "Let me know if you have any questions." - Okay, maybe not as tired as the first two but definitely overused. If you use this one, think about changing it to "I'll be happy to assist you at any time."
4. "Let me know if you need any help." - See #3.
5. "We're out of stock but you can call us after our truck comes in." - This virtually invites the customer to shop your competition because you clearly don't care if that person makes a purchase from you or not. Always offer to call the customer.
6. "I don't know when [insert another employee's name] is going to be in." - Either check the schedule or offer to take the customer's name and phone number.
7. "I wouldn't know." - This is only acceptable if it is followed by, "But I'll find out."
8. "I can't do that." - Hopefully we say "yes" more often than "no," but sometimes we do have to tell a customer we're unable to fulfill a request. Instead of saying "I can't" it will sound a little better if you say "I'm unable to."
9. "Hold on please." - If you need to put a customer on hold, ask if it's okay and estimate how long she can expect to wait. "May I put you on hold for about thirty seconds while I find the answer?" Someone once asked me what happens if the customer says no. While I've never heard of that happening, I guess I wouldn't tell the customer I'm putting them on hold but that I'm putting the phone down. As a side note, if you're busy or whatever you're going to do will take longer than a minute or two, consider calling the customer back. Time passes slowly when you're on hold.
10. "Anything else?" or "Will that be it?" - Usually these are feeble attempt to add-on to a sale. The customer almost always replies "no" to the first or "yes" to the second. To enhance a customer's purchase the employee should either suggest a product or at least not ask a close-ended question.
11. "No problem." - Ahhhhhh! No problem is not a proper substitute for, "You're welcome." If you listen for it today I will guarantee you hear it at least once, quite possibly coming from your own mouth.
12. "Uh-uh." or "Yea." - These are not a proper substitute for "yes."
13. "What's up?" - At the very least this shouldn't be said by or to anyone over the age of 30.
14. "How's it going, guys?" - "Guys" could be the most misused word in society today. I do understand that it has become an informal term for people but my personal opinion is it if it is used with families or women over the age of 30 that it shows a lack of respect. (Disclaimer: I've arbitrarily picked 30 as a cut off point. I think it is something that you should determine according to your customer base, market segment, community, etc.)
15. Any personal conversation between employees. It has a negative impact on the customer experience and kills more sales than most retail employees know.
Retail business owners got to be willing to take an honest look at where there business is today and where it want's it to be in the future. Once owners determined the outcome, strategically plan the actions neccessary to achieve their desired result goals.
In closing remarks, businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation to achieve your desired business results toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Monday, February 26, 2007
More Businesses and Individuals Turning to Prepaid to Control Cost's with Prepaid Phone Services System
Originally, prepaid wireless service was targeted to people who could not pass a credit check for postpaid service. The market has since undergone a transformation, with more businesses and individuals turning to prepaid as a means of controlling costs. Other important segments of the market include parents seeking to control the cost of their children's wireless service, light users and people who use cellular phones only for emergency purposes, and senior citizens and others who are new to the wireless market.
Expect the number of consumers using a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) prepaid plan to continue to exceed the number of consumers using a carrier's prepaid plan. By 2010, MVNOs will account for 70 percent of the prepaid market. Research Forecast.
In 2004, the number of MVNO prepaid customers surpassed the number of prepaid customers of facilities-based carriers, but in 2006, the facilities-based segment rebounded with a 22.4 percent increase comparable to the 22.2 percent advance for MVNOs. Both segments will grow rapidly during the next four years, with MVNOs averaging 18.9 percent compounded annually compared with 12.9 percent compound annual growth for facilities-based wireless carriers.
This is a must read on for retail business owners.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Expect the number of consumers using a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) prepaid plan to continue to exceed the number of consumers using a carrier's prepaid plan. By 2010, MVNOs will account for 70 percent of the prepaid market. Research Forecast.
In 2004, the number of MVNO prepaid customers surpassed the number of prepaid customers of facilities-based carriers, but in 2006, the facilities-based segment rebounded with a 22.4 percent increase comparable to the 22.2 percent advance for MVNOs. Both segments will grow rapidly during the next four years, with MVNOs averaging 18.9 percent compounded annually compared with 12.9 percent compound annual growth for facilities-based wireless carriers.
This is a must read on for retail business owners.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Merchant Retailer Revamping strategy to compete with SuperStores With A Niche!. Bill Payment Services - Prepaid Phone Services
Merchant Retailer Revamping strategy to compete with SuperStores With A Niche!
Merchant Retailer Revamping strategy to compete with SuperStores With A Niche!Nowadays, as more shoppers eschew their local grocery store for the price-slashing power of a Supercenter, analysts say grocery stores are retooling their strategies to halt shoppers from shifting their allegiance to one-stop "big box" retailers. Meanwhile, some shoppers are altering their shopping patterns altogether to chase the best customer service or unique, specialized products.
You can't beat SuperStores when it comes to price, so retail stores must make themselves a niche. Retailers here-bouts the need and your niche to come up with something new and exciting, to attract new business, new revenue stream with consistent repeat customers. The new emerging innovation concept for expanding merchant retail businesses.
Every once in a while a product comes along and revolutionizes the way we do business. Electronic Online Bill Payment Service & Cellular Prepaid Phone Services is One Such Product.
Think about it. This is all about how to increase traffic by deploying innovative strategies to make retailers more competitive with greater option innovations in technology, that hold the promise of generating additional capital to allow retailers to compete more effectively and allow merchants to be more effective pursuing the detail of retail. The new technologies involves no upfront cost, monthly fees or inventory costs.Take advantage of services DIRECT today!. It pays to deal DIRECT, we know what SMART solution services can do for your BUSINESS!.
This is a must read on.Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Merchant Retailer Revamping strategy to compete with SuperStores With A Niche!Nowadays, as more shoppers eschew their local grocery store for the price-slashing power of a Supercenter, analysts say grocery stores are retooling their strategies to halt shoppers from shifting their allegiance to one-stop "big box" retailers. Meanwhile, some shoppers are altering their shopping patterns altogether to chase the best customer service or unique, specialized products.
You can't beat SuperStores when it comes to price, so retail stores must make themselves a niche. Retailers here-bouts the need and your niche to come up with something new and exciting, to attract new business, new revenue stream with consistent repeat customers. The new emerging innovation concept for expanding merchant retail businesses.
Every once in a while a product comes along and revolutionizes the way we do business. Electronic Online Bill Payment Service & Cellular Prepaid Phone Services is One Such Product.
Think about it. This is all about how to increase traffic by deploying innovative strategies to make retailers more competitive with greater option innovations in technology, that hold the promise of generating additional capital to allow retailers to compete more effectively and allow merchants to be more effective pursuing the detail of retail. The new technologies involves no upfront cost, monthly fees or inventory costs.Take advantage of services DIRECT today!. It pays to deal DIRECT, we know what SMART solution services can do for your BUSINESS!.
This is a must read on.Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Customer Preferences With Pay All Bill Payment Services - Prepaid Phone Services. The Wave Of The Future Retailer!
Consumer preferences regarding payments have undergone a sea change over the last few years. The need for convenience and control over the timing and frequency of payment has driven consumers to seek dynamic options like electronic bill payment services
and prepaid phone services for bill payments. Hooked on the convenience of using multiple payment option, consumers are demanding a variety of alternatives from merchant retailers. Surprisingly, a significant number of consumers are even will pay a fee for the convenience of using their preferred payment merchant retail agent.
Developing a comprehensive consumer payment strategy is no longer a luxury for retailers, rather it is becoming a necessity in order to maintain repeat walk-in customers and stay ahead of the innovative curve. Merchant retail business owners who offer their customers the flexibility of multiple online electronic bill payment processing, while achieving a strategic advantage through competitive differentiation.
Given the rapid change in consumer tastes when it comes to how they want to pay their bills, we can think of nothing more important than developing a complementary solution to satisfy their appetite by giving your customer the option to pay any bill to any biller.
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.This is a must read on.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
and prepaid phone services for bill payments. Hooked on the convenience of using multiple payment option, consumers are demanding a variety of alternatives from merchant retailers. Surprisingly, a significant number of consumers are even will pay a fee for the convenience of using their preferred payment merchant retail agent.
Developing a comprehensive consumer payment strategy is no longer a luxury for retailers, rather it is becoming a necessity in order to maintain repeat walk-in customers and stay ahead of the innovative curve. Merchant retail business owners who offer their customers the flexibility of multiple online electronic bill payment processing, while achieving a strategic advantage through competitive differentiation.
Given the rapid change in consumer tastes when it comes to how they want to pay their bills, we can think of nothing more important than developing a complementary solution to satisfy their appetite by giving your customer the option to pay any bill to any biller.
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.This is a must read on.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
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Sunday, January 28, 2007
Why & How Come POSA Solutions are the Best Way to Sell Prepaid Cellular Pins & Benefits of the POSA System?
Why & How Come POSA Solutions are the Best Way to Sell Prepaid Cellular Pins & Benefits For Merchant Retailers & Corporate Businesses, with the POSA Prepaid Cellular Phone System?
There many number of various Prepaid Cellular Card denominations for various of prepaid cellular refill-top-up time, with card that go from as low $10, and as high as $200 denominations amounts. Using Prepaid POSA Systems, merchant eliminate the need to carry a ton's of expensive inventory, with the new breakthrough solutions terminals, merchant can print pins out whatever denomination necessary on demand.
What are Benefits of the POSA Prepaid Phone Cellular System?
1. Security and control over products and inventory.
2. There is no need to lay money for products, because merchant pay for products only after cash is received from customers
3. Merchant Retailers never out of products types or Amounts.
4. Never need to count a card.
5. Business owners focus on their main business while taking advantage of additional profit stream.
How to offer all the major bill payment services, prepaid cellular phone services system, prepaid debit cards and more! loading station for merchant retailers walk-in customers or Master Agent Distributorship approach go to: Wholesale Cellular Phone Prepaid Services, Prepaid Cellular Direct & Prepaid Cellular Services, Prepaid Debit Card System, Bill Payment System:
Talk to us today about merchant dealer or Master Agent Distributorship Licensing program on how we can help you offer the future of prepaid cellular telecom & bill payment services for merchant retailers walk-in customers (The One-Stop-Shop System)
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
There many number of various Prepaid Cellular Card denominations for various of prepaid cellular refill-top-up time, with card that go from as low $10, and as high as $200 denominations amounts. Using Prepaid POSA Systems, merchant eliminate the need to carry a ton's of expensive inventory, with the new breakthrough solutions terminals, merchant can print pins out whatever denomination necessary on demand.
What are Benefits of the POSA Prepaid Phone Cellular System?
1. Security and control over products and inventory.
2. There is no need to lay money for products, because merchant pay for products only after cash is received from customers
3. Merchant Retailers never out of products types or Amounts.
4. Never need to count a card.
5. Business owners focus on their main business while taking advantage of additional profit stream.
How to offer all the major bill payment services, prepaid cellular phone services system, prepaid debit cards and more! loading station for merchant retailers walk-in customers or Master Agent Distributorship approach go to: Wholesale Cellular Phone Prepaid Services, Prepaid Cellular Direct & Prepaid Cellular Services, Prepaid Debit Card System, Bill Payment System:
Talk to us today about merchant dealer or Master Agent Distributorship Licensing program on how we can help you offer the future of prepaid cellular telecom & bill payment services for merchant retailers walk-in customers (The One-Stop-Shop System)
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Bill Payment Services & Prepaid Phones Services Help Retailers Make Sales Even When NOT Making a Sale
Bill Payment Services & Prepaid Phones Services Help Retailers Make Sales Even When NOT Making a Sale
1. Believe that every customer who walks into your store will buy.
2. Try to sell something to every customer.
3. Know why someone is leaving the store without making a purchase.
4. Thank every customer for visiting the store and invite him/her to come back.
5. Capture the customers contact information.
If a person is in your store you know he/she has an interest in what you sell, so doesn’t it make sense to get contact information and talk to them again? Imagine how much your sales will increase if you get half of the people who walk in your door to come back within a month and make a purchase. Find an incentive for customers, both buyers and non-buyers, to share with you their contact information. Perhaps you could be something like a drawing for a shopping spree each quarter. Once a week sweep the names and then send the customer a $5 gift card. The worst thing that can happen is they come back and only spend $5 for products that cost you $2.50 or so. For every customer who does that, there will be plenty of others who will spend a lot more. Getting the customer back in again will also increases the likelihood that he/she will become - and remain - your customer. The best new innovating no cost way, is with e-mail auto-responders.
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
1. Believe that every customer who walks into your store will buy.
2. Try to sell something to every customer.
3. Know why someone is leaving the store without making a purchase.
4. Thank every customer for visiting the store and invite him/her to come back.
5. Capture the customers contact information.
If a person is in your store you know he/she has an interest in what you sell, so doesn’t it make sense to get contact information and talk to them again? Imagine how much your sales will increase if you get half of the people who walk in your door to come back within a month and make a purchase. Find an incentive for customers, both buyers and non-buyers, to share with you their contact information. Perhaps you could be something like a drawing for a shopping spree each quarter. Once a week sweep the names and then send the customer a $5 gift card. The worst thing that can happen is they come back and only spend $5 for products that cost you $2.50 or so. For every customer who does that, there will be plenty of others who will spend a lot more. Getting the customer back in again will also increases the likelihood that he/she will become - and remain - your customer. The best new innovating no cost way, is with e-mail auto-responders.
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Net Revolution help businesses SURVIVE and THRIVE with Innovation Bill Payment Services Prepaid Phone Services
SURVIVE and THRIVE with Innovation Bill Payment Services Prepaid Phone Services
Why is innovation so important?
Innovation is important because it's a key driver of growth key driver of growth, a basis of competitiveness and a source of value. Constant innovation has improved the merchant retailer.
So how does this effect merchant retailer?
Lack of innovation or the unwillingness to even consider improving you business process can affect every aspect of your walk-in business. If retailers are not continually looking ahead, then businesses will run the risk of being left behind. Merchant retailer business owners will consistently review how they can improve or innovate the process, customer relationship activities and services offerings.
Retail business owners got to be willing to take an honest look at where there business is today and where it want's it to be in the future. Once owners determined the outcome, strategically plan the actions neccessary to achieve goals.
In closing remarks, businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Why is innovation so important?
Innovation is important because it's a key driver of growth key driver of growth, a basis of competitiveness and a source of value. Constant innovation has improved the merchant retailer.
So how does this effect merchant retailer?
Lack of innovation or the unwillingness to even consider improving you business process can affect every aspect of your walk-in business. If retailers are not continually looking ahead, then businesses will run the risk of being left behind. Merchant retailer business owners will consistently review how they can improve or innovate the process, customer relationship activities and services offerings.
Retail business owners got to be willing to take an honest look at where there business is today and where it want's it to be in the future. Once owners determined the outcome, strategically plan the actions neccessary to achieve goals.
In closing remarks, businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on.
Bill Payment Services Solutions:
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions:
Call For More Infomation toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Monday, January 01, 2007
Attention, All Retailers!. The Wave Of The Future Money Solutions.
Prepaid Brings Net Revoluitons To Merchant Retailers
The prepaid heat wave is occurring on all fronts - telecom services, prepaid debit cards, the entire market is giving way to a new generation of products. Consumers are starting to see the advantage of prepaid programs, convenient payments methods and new services are catching the attention of consumers in all corners. We've said it before, but, now, more than ever, prepaid is not just for the unbanked and credit challenged, if it ever was.
To learn more about how to offer all the major prepaid cellular services and more! for merchant retailers walk-in customers or Agent Distributorship approach go to: Prepaid Wireless Direct & Prepaid Cellular Services:
Talk to us today about merchant dealer or Distributorship Licensing program on how we can help you offer the future of prepaid cellular telecom & bill payment services for merchant retailers: 1-877-947-3577 , 1-877-WireLSS
Bill Payment Services for merchants retailers walk-in customers:
The prepaid heat wave is occurring on all fronts - telecom services, prepaid debit cards, the entire market is giving way to a new generation of products. Consumers are starting to see the advantage of prepaid programs, convenient payments methods and new services are catching the attention of consumers in all corners. We've said it before, but, now, more than ever, prepaid is not just for the unbanked and credit challenged, if it ever was.
To learn more about how to offer all the major prepaid cellular services and more! for merchant retailers walk-in customers or Agent Distributorship approach go to: Prepaid Wireless Direct & Prepaid Cellular Services:
Talk to us today about merchant dealer or Distributorship Licensing program on how we can help you offer the future of prepaid cellular telecom & bill payment services for merchant retailers: 1-877-947-3577 , 1-877-WireLSS
Bill Payment Services for merchants retailers walk-in customers:
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