Corporate Controllers Vote For Prepaid Cellular Phones Services. The Solutions For Getting Slammed!
The fact is business spending on telephone services, and specifically, business spending on monthly cellular wireless telephone services is mounting dramatically. According to industry analysts.
U.S. businesses now spend a quarter of their telecommunications budgest on wireless offerings. All told, that works out to billions!!!!!. It's a total mess. Corporate World GO'S PREPAID to save money and to eliminate bugus usage from employess. The savings can be substantial. This will, meaning prepaid cellular will keep cost to the minimum.
USA Handset Sales Reached US$3.3 Billion in 2006
Mobile phone sales to consumers in the U.S. reached 34.8 million units in the first quarter of 2006. This number represents an increase of more than 11% compared to sales during the same period in 2005. NPD estimates total first quarter 2006 consumer sales of nearly $3.3 billion.
This is a must read on.
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