Attention, All Wireless Cellular Stores! The Top Prepaid Cell Phone Plans of 2014-2015 will bring higher better profits Results to your Store Fronts Immediate Today!
These days, everyone in your area needs a good cell phone plan. Having a cell phone or a smartphone, is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Many wireless stores customers consumers opt for a great prepaid cell phone plan because it doesn't tie them to hefty contracts and they are free to move to a different plan or phone whenever they want. However, there are certain prepaid plans that are considered the best, as ranked by Prepaid Direct Wireless. These are the ones you should have your walk-in customers look into if you want your walk-in customer excellent cell phone service at a very low price per month, plus high profits to your business bottom line, with services that works in any city and rurul area Nation-Wide.
Verizon ALLSET $45 Prepaid Smartphone Plan
One of Verizon's most popular prepaid cell phone plans is their Prepaid ALLSET Plan for Smartphones. This plan is $45 per month and provides you with unlimited calling minutes, unlimited text and picture messaging, unlimited text messaging throughout Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico and 500MB of data each month. If you feel you need more than the basic 500MB of data, you are free to add more with Verizon's Bridge Data service, which is good for as long as 90 days. With this prepaid plan, you can choose from a number of smartphones, including Apple iPhones and the new iPhone 6 or the Samsung Galaxy S5
AT&T GoPhone $40 Monthly Plan for Smartphones
AT&T's $45 GoPhone Plan provides you with two different options. You are free to bring your own unlocked GSM smartphone to use or you can purchase a brand new smartphone. The $45 GoPhone plan is one of the most popular, especially if you are not a super heavy user. It provides you with unlimited calling minutes, unlimited text, picture and video messaging throughout the United States, unlimited text messaging to Mexico, Canada and more than 100 additional countries and 500MB of data each month.
Refilling your customers account on a monthly basis is easy and can be done by web based or terminal solutions at your stores. This will create repeat store traffic with the highest profits to your business than any carrier in the US with the best coverage in any City or Town.
T-Mobile Simple Starter Plan
The T-Mobile Simple Starter Plan is probably the most versatile of the top prepaid plans available. There are two options, one that is $40 per month and the other of which is $45. With the cheaper plan, you receive unlimited talk minutes, unlimited texts, including picture messaging, and 500MB of data. For $45, you get unlimited talk and text, including picture messaging, and 2GB of 4G LTE data. Perhaps the best aspect of these plans is that there are never any overage charges if you go over your data allotment. However, with the $45 Simple Starter plan, your data will be suspended if you go over the 2GB. Best of all, you have the option of either buying a brand new phone through T-Mobile or bringing your current phone, even if it is unlocked and from a different GSM carrier.
If your customers are looking to switch to a great prepaid cell phone plan, these three are certainly well worth you considering them. Be sure to thoroughly research all the details on each and to check your coverage before choosing which plan is best for your customers. Of course, your customers are always free to switch to one of the others should they decide to do so. Keep in mind the AT&T and Verizon offer the best services and highest profits too your store front business.
Optimize your wireless retail store operation Today.
Our team will show you how Prepaid Direct Wireless can improve your store profit results and provide you with no inventory cost solutions.
We'll discuss
1. Your specific cellular carrier wireless and bill payments needs
2. A detailed walk-through of Prepaid Direct Wireless
3. Deployment & amazing pricing to fit your needs
Our web-based or terminal store solutions will turn your retail store business into a well-oiled, well-equipped machine with endless scalability and optimal efficiency in prepaid cellular and bill payments.
About Prepaid Direct Wireless
We are passionate about optimizing the Prepaid Cellular Wireless and Bill Payments processes that make merchant retailers successful, and are fanatical about helping our clients achieve operational supremacy. By combining our deep expertise in developing cutting-edge technology and channel retail operations, we’ve built an agile platform that empowers our nation-wide network of clients to distinguish themselves as great retailers among a sea of mediocrity. We work with forward-thinking retailers on a daily basis to help them with operational results with higher/better profits in prepaid cellular and bill payments and drive their bottom line, and sincerely look forward to the opportunity of helping you do the same.
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Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider. Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Whether you are a small business retailer or a large retail chain store, Prepaid Wireless Direct has the SMART solutions for you and your customers. Retail licensing provider of walk-in electronic bill payment services for financial Banking Bill Payment Institute Cellular Services Technologies Systems. Services provides convenience for anyone wanting to pay any bill and recharge topup prepaid cellular phones FOR MORE INFORMATION EASILY CONTACT : MAILTO: SALES@PREPAIDDIRECTWIRELESS.COM
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Attention, All Wireless Cellular Stores! The Top Prepaid Cell Phone Plans of 2014-2015 will bring higher better profits Results to your Store Fronts Immeditate Today!
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