Attention, All Merchant Retailers!. Prepaid Cellular Phone Services Provider Carriers Offers New Revenue Source to Merchant Retailers
Every once in a while a product comes along and revolutionizes the way we do business. Electronic online prepaid cellular phone services is one such product.
No Lease or Lease Company Hassles!
Welcome to the future of Pre-Paid Services! The Advanced Electronic P.O.S. Activation System.
Now you can cash in on the Multi-Billion Dollar Walk-In Pre-Paid Industry Cellular Bill Payments.
With your businesses having Prepaid Cellular Services Direct, your customers will quickly and easily top-up their accounts, from prepaid or, monthly cellular phone service airtime, international top-ups, RECHARGEABLE long distance phone cards, to Customers Paying All Prepaid Cellular Phone bills In Your Retail Merchant Locations.
This platform enables a merchant retailer to act as a payment agent, allowing their walk-in customers to pay all of their Prepaid Cellular Phone bills at the merchant's locations. Walk-In Bill Payments Service will enhance merchant's ability to increase their walk-in traffic, increase their revenues, and accept payments anytime, anywhere, in any fashion to most cellular phone carriers for the walk-in customers true bill amount by offering RTR payments - Real Time replenishment.
The convenience of this electronic transaction is unparalleled.
The prepaid wireless service offers pay-as-you-go options via a virtual or point-of-sale terminal at the retailers counter.
This service allows retailers to top-up all types of customers prepaid cellular phone services and more!, in addition will recharge wireless phones on-line in a matter of seconds, without the risks and issues associated with stocking scratch cards or long distance card.
This dynamic service was created in response to the growing demand for prepaid cellular phone services across the U.S.
PREPAID DIRECT WIRELESS service providers have the solutions to the problem of prepaid services.
Historically, the delivery of prepaid cellular services has been achieve through physical cards (often called "vouchers"). Retailers of prepaid card services are with high cost inventory, because of multiple face values from multiple providers companies, theft risks, space requirements and inventory management, not any longer with Prepaid Direct Wireless POSA solutions that eliminate retailers risk and distribution cost, plus your location earn more per sale, this is breakthrough direct new business solutions to help the merchant retailers store fronts of the future.
The concept of contract wireless is foreign to no one. What consumers seem to have forgotten is that they are locked in to one and two year contracts giving them little choice after they accept the terms of such agreements, not such with prepaid cellular. The only difference between prepaid wireless and contract wireless is that your customers are in full control. It is time your customers discover what other subscribers around the world have known for a while: Prepaid Wireless is the best alternative, it is the future of wireless.
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Phone: 877-947-3577
*IMPORTANT NOTES: If you currently offering prepaid refill recharges in your store - Indeed, still PLEASE contact customers services department to see have how your walk-in customers become satisfied with repeat foot traffic for you store front, Plus how we will offer better rates or match to have your bottom line extremely happy with amazing results. Inform customers services department, what you are currently receiving with proof, and be ready to signup with an proven cellular phone payment solution.
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider. Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Whether you are a small business retailer or a large retail chain store, Prepaid Wireless Direct has the SMART solutions for you and your customers. Retail licensing provider of walk-in electronic bill payment services for financial Banking Bill Payment Institute Cellular Services Technologies Systems. Services provides convenience for anyone wanting to pay any bill and recharge topup prepaid cellular phones FOR MORE INFORMATION EASILY CONTACT : MAILTO: SALES@PREPAIDDIRECTWIRELESS.COM
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Prepaid Cellular Phone Services Provider Carriers Offers New Revenue Source to Merchant Retailers
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ATT SIM ACTIVATIONS with SPIFFS, Handsets and MORE!-Prepaid Cellular Phone Virtual Terminal - Retailers Business Owners Payments System for Walkin Customers. All Major Cellular Carriers Available
4:46 AM

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