Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Retailers To Sell Prepaid Cellular Wireless

Retailers To Sell Prepaid Cellular Wireless

Prepaid Phones Cards & More...
Walk-In Bill Payment Services
Prepaid Home Phone Service
Prepaid Mobile Handsets
Prepaid Wireless Airtime Cards
Wireless Refills
Direct Topups
Phone Cards

Merchant Retailers can start with Terminal PC and Web based applications with direct link to prepaid cellular carriers & all or any billers. Innovative technologies for retail wireless cellular prepaid dealers that simplify the selling process. For more infomation on POSA terminal. POSA, Point of Sales Activation for your one stop solution continue: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com

Retailers to sell walk-in bill pay continue to: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com

Call Today, U.S.A Retailers: 1-877-947-3577