Proud to announce the Prepaid Debit MasterCards is now available! If you are interested in selling the Prepaid Debit MasterCards, please contact us at 877-947-3577, option 1 or by email at
Specializes in card management business that provides Prepaid Debit Cards with a range of unique features and a suite of payment services ranging from bill payment, prepaid cellular, to debit card loading.
Focuses on markets that require payment services that are efficient, safe and low cost to the enduser.
The Easiest, Least Expensive Way to for your customer too Manage there Funds
Packed with features, Not with Fees!
Load up to $5,000.00 per month
Direct Deposit your paycheck
Reload at over 100,000 locations
Connect2Family member cards
No Fees on purchases
No Interest costs
Withdraw funds at ATM’s
Secure transactions
Convenient as cash
Your customer use it just like cash.
No Penalties
No Hidden Fees
Immediate Access
Merchant Acceptance
The Prepaid Debit MasterCards provides your walk-in customers the freedom and security to make purchases and withdraw cash anywhere in the world that Prepaid Debit MasterCards is accepted without the need to apply for a bank account. Unlike a credit card the Prepaid Debit MasterCards only uses money they load from your business, so your customers never worry about getting into debt. By using the Prepaid Debit MasterCards it eliminate the risk of carrying cash. With PIN number protection, if the card is lost or stolen, it can be cancelled, and the funds transferred to a replacement card sent to the customer.
Debit Card Cash Load Card
Reload with Cash will be at your approved Retail Location:
Direct Deposit:
Have all or part of your walk-in customers paycheck or government benefits payment deposited to Prepaid Debit MasterCards and the customer avoid reload charges. Easy for your customers too Enroll!, Simply download and complete the Direct Deposit form, they give it to payment department or benefit provider.
Personal Bank Account
Customer can Transfer funds from personal bank account via ACH to Prepaid Debit MasterCards by sending funds to the account number and routing number shown to your customers when logged in to there Prepaid Debit MasterCards account online.
Make Purchases
With a Prepaid Debit MasterCards your customers are free to make purchases anywhere in the world that Prepaid Debit MasterCards is accepted- and since they only spend money that they have loaded to the card, they can be confident that are not risking mounting interest fees.
When using Prepaid Debit MasterCards and PIN is easy, simply swipe Prepaid Debit MasterCard through your merchant terminal. You can choose either a “credit” or “debit” transaction. If they choose debit, they will need to enter ATM PIN. These transactions are FREE of charge, can also get cash back at retail stores and use your card for online purchases.
When using card at a gas station, they simply go into the gas station and pay the cashier. Do not pay at the pump or a hold will be put on your card. At hotels, your card may have a $100 hold.
The Prepaid Debit MasterCards may also be used to obtain cash back at merchants and for online purchases. Your customer feel secure that by carrying the Prepaid Debit MasterCards, all of purchases are backed by the security of Prepaid Debit MasterCards Worldwide.
ATM Withdrawal
Insert your Prepaid Debit MasterCards into any ATM worldwide where the Prepaid Debit MasterCard logo appears and chose the “checking” option. Enter ATM PIN and proceed with transaction.
Transfer Funds
Now your customer have a simple way of sharing funds with family members and having control of how much they spend. Your cutomers can load funds to their cards in your locations whenever they need to.
The Prepaid Debit MasterCards may have up to 3 subsidiary cards in the US for sharing funds with family members. Each subsidiary card is connected to the customers card and they pay no direct fees for their transactions, any fees are deducted from the owners card.
Your customer may also transfer funds from Prepaid Debit MasterCards to another (non-subsidiary) Prepaid Debit MasterCards by simply linking both cards. The just Login to account online and choose “link card”, then continue to set the amount to transfer and submit. The funds are immediately available on the linked card.
Pay Bills
With the Prepaid Debit MasterCards your customer not only save time by shopping and paying bills in your store location, but have the convenience of buying items such as airline tickets that increasingly require a credit card number.
Pay thousands or ANY billers directly from Prepaid Debit MasterCards in your locations. Your customer can pay most utilities, banks, auto financing, credit card and cellular phone companies as well as most other types of businesses accepting electronic payments.
With fraud and identity theft becoming a bigger issue each year, Prepaid Debit MasterCards is a safer way to protect identity and make purchases on unfamiliar web sites as your customers only need to load as much funds as are required for that purchase in your locations.
Proud to announce the Prepaid Debit MasterCards is now available! If you are interested in selling the Prepaid Debit MasterCards, please contact us at 877-947-3577, option 1 or by email at
For more infomation Click Here or call (877)947-3577 ext:1:
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Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Prepaid Debit Cards with a range of unique features and a suite of payment services ranging from bill payment, prepaid cellular, to debit card loading.
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1:30 PM

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