Now comes AT&T to help all small and large merchant retailers with SIMS, Handsets, and Prepaid Cellular Phone Activation system in store to all valid merchant retail store front businesses, designed to bring repeat foot traffic and huge profits to retail store fronts.
The prepaid cellular phone payments system is changing to bring in repeat traffic to more retailers, without any inventory costs.
The change is due to the proposed SPRINT-T-Mobile merge: (Boost Mobile is the prepaid brand of Sprint) (MetroPcs is the prepaid brand of T-Mobile)
With the merger, the new company would be better positioned for a convergence play, growth in automotive and other high mobility/broad coverage 5G use cases, with new strength in wholesale and enterprise and positioning for Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) with 5G network slicing,” Said, director at Strategy Analytics, in a release.
AT&T SIMS prepaid cellular phone Activations NOW Available with InstaPay Spiffs to merchant retailers! Also AT&T Ports now available on activation portal! ***
Direct Wireless~Prepaid brings merchant retailers the best way to starting earning more repeat foot traffic and huge profits to merchant retailers store fronts - store business owners, AT&T most loyal to offer best discounts to merchant retailers in Prepaid Cellular payments wireless, AT&T offers retail stores owners to be able to offer there walk-in customers SIM Activations, porting, and handsets and walk-in customer returning to make payments directly to the merchant, right from in store terminal or virtual web portal.
Store Benefits:
•No card inventory management and related warehousing costs.
•No security or fraud exposure with either physical topup cards or electronic PIN products.
•Lower support costs by helping customers with PIN related problems.
•Ability to better serve customers by offering access to open range (you can usually add any amount you want). In other words, the store can accept what money you happen to have in your pocket without turning you away because you don't have enough for a certain pre-defined whole dollar amount.
Wireless Carrier Benefits:
•Ability to deliver a better customer experience by eliminating the two step purchase-redemption process. Multiple steps almost always leads to errors and issues that result in customer complaints and calls, which leads to higher support costs.
•Decreased operational costs by eliminating card printing and distribution.
•Decreased fraud costs by eliminating electronic PIN management exposure.
•Decreased customer care costs from handling PIN related problems.
You will be able to make payments to Boost Mobile, Cricket Wireless, MetroPCS, AT&T, Verizon, Page Plus, TracPhone, Simple Mobile, Net 10, H2O Wireless, LycaMobile, T-Mobile, plus many more, major or small cellular carriers in your area and international top-ups, for your walk-in customers. Plus, you get the BEST DISCOUNTS IN THE INDUSTRY, Other companies care about their bottom line. We CARE about YOURS.
It's not how SMART your business are, It's HOW your businesses are SMART!.
For More Information: Call (877)947-3577
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Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider. Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies. Sprint-T-Mobile merge
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Monday, June 18, 2018
Attention, All Retailers. AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint offers BIG and Small Merchant Retailers repeat Foot Trafiic with Prepaid Cellular Payments System
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ATT SIM ACTIVATIONS with SPIFFS, Handsets and MORE!-Prepaid Cellular Phone Virtual Terminal - Retailers Business Owners Payments System for Walkin Customers. All Major Cellular Carriers Available
1:29 PM

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