#1 Electronic Bill Payment Processor for Merchant Retailers to pay ANY or All Billers for Walk-in Customers
Start making more$ with repeat walk-in traffic. Paying any or all bill payment billers and cellular airtime electronic nation-wide from your business that doesn't require any special hardware neither software to implement bill payment system in your retail business. Easy retail clerks simplified technological techniques for your business. Services will operate on any retail merchant store computer. If we can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us! (877) 947-3577 or continue to: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com
Think about it. This is all about how to increase store traffic by deploying innovative strategies to make retailers more competitive with greater option innovation in technology, that hold the promise of generating additional capital to allow retailers to compete more effectively and allow merchants to be more effective pursuing the detail of retail. The technologies involves no inventory costs. The SMART store solutions.
System is simple to operate. Solutions are fully automated to provide detailed, accurate and user-friendly reports. System tie directly into a reat-time Web-based reporting solution, allowing merchants to monitor payments, sales, track growth and quickly idenitfy products and add any billers.
If we can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us! (877) 947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider. Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Whether you are a small business retailer or a large retail chain store, Prepaid Wireless Direct has the SMART solutions for you and your customers. Retail licensing provider of walk-in electronic bill payment services for financial Banking Bill Payment Institute Cellular Services Technologies Systems. Services provides convenience for anyone wanting to pay any bill and recharge topup prepaid cellular phones FOR MORE INFORMATION EASILY CONTACT : MAILTO: SALES@PREPAIDDIRECTWIRELESS.COM
Thursday, August 15, 2013
#1 Electronic Bill Payment Processor for Merchant Retailers to pay ANY or All Billers for Walk-in Customers
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ATT SIM ACTIVATIONS with SPIFFS, Handsets and MORE!-Prepaid Cellular Phone Virtual Terminal - Retailers Business Owners Payments System for Walkin Customers. All Major Cellular Carriers Available
10:08 AM

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