Numerous cellular dealers - wireless stores & convenience stores are offering ways too use the technology they already have to increase profits.
Cellular dealers - wireless stores walk-in customers are using prepaid phones, are doing so with greater knowledge & wider acceptance of prepaid product stores owners are offering.
While 29 million U.S. adults currently use prepaid/pay-by-the-minute prepaid cell phones today, a full 30 percent (including 25 million additional adults) appear to be good candidates for the less expensive cell phone service, according to a new Research Center , national opinion survey conducted for the think tank.
With recession-squeezed American families trimming their household spending, the ORC survey is being released as two major consumer groups -- the Telecommunications Research and Action Center -- are urging cell phone users to consider switching to the prepaid alternative from more expensive postpaid/contract-based cell phone service.
The new survey finding would put U.S. consumers in line with adults in other developed countries, where prepaid cell phones typically account for a third or more of consumer phone use. So, why is prepaid cell phone use in the U.S. so low, even among consumers who could save money by using it?
The survey for in the US found the following:
1. Over half of Americans (51 percent) believe that the following myth is true: Switching to a prepaid cell phone is expensive because contract-based or postpaid cell phone customers are always under contract and have to pay a cancellation fee whenever they switch carriers. Only about a third (34 percent) know that this statement is incorrect.
2. Nearly six out of 10 Americans (59 percent) - including 70 percent of 18-24 year olds - mistakenly believe that prepaid phones are good only for people who rarely, if ever, use their cell phones. Fewer than a third (32 percent) of respondents knew that this is a myth.
3. Within the margin of error at 42 agree/44 percent disagree, Americans split on the accuracy of this myth: "A contract-based or postpaid cell phone customer with an 'unlimited calling plan is always going to pay LESS than a prepaid customer who pays by the minute.
4. By a margin of 40-39 percent, more Americans than not mistakenly believe that prepaid phones are only available in "very basic models.
5. Within the margin of error at 40 percent agree/41 percent disagree, Americans split on the accuracy of this myth: Prepaid cell phone plans where you pay for the minutes you use always cost MORE per month than contract-based cell phone plans where you pay a monthly fee.
1. Over half (53 percent) know that it is untrue that most or all people only buy prepaid phones for emergency use.
2. Over half (53 percent) know that it is untrue to say that most or all people who buy prepaid phones have low income or bad credit - or both.
3. More than three out of five (62 percent) know that it is untrue that a prepaid phone only makes sense as a 'last resort, such as when you lose your job.
4. Half know that it is untrue that prepaid phones don't get very good reception and only work in certain places.
5. Almost half (48 percent) know that it is untrue that you can't get voice mail, text or take photos on a prepaid phone.
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Tuesday, February 03, 2009
The Decision Cellular Stores - Wireless Stores Has to Make about Inventory!
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