Whether you are a small business retailer or a large retail chain store, Prepaid Wireless Direct has the SMART solutions for you and your customers. Retail licensing provider of walk-in electronic bill payment services for financial Banking Bill Payment Institute Cellular Services Technologies Systems. Services provides convenience for anyone wanting to pay any bill and recharge topup prepaid cellular phones FOR MORE INFORMATION EASILY CONTACT : MAILTO: SALES@PREPAIDDIRECTWIRELESS.COM
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Merchant Retailers Offer Walk-in Customer Ways to Cut Cell Phone Bills & Pay All Household Billers
1. Go prepaid. Prepaid cellular, now used by 15 percent of cell customers, is no longer just for those with poor credit. The flexibility of prepaid plans is especially appealing in tough economic times because it allows consumers to easily cut back on monthly use and expense.
2. Review plan minutes. Consumers should average their billable and free minutes (such as night-and-weekend minutes and in-plan calling) from the past six months" statements, then shop for a plan that meets billable minute needs.
3. Go local. National plans give consumers a "home" area as big as the lower 48 states to avoid roaming fees even though they might not need that much space for most of their calls.
4. Bundle multimedia messages. Big messagers should consider a monthly bundle, which may include a certain number or unlimited messages and/or Internet use.
5. Skip cell-phone insurance. If a phone is lost or damaged, consider buying a cheap, basic phone or using an old phone until the contract commitment is up and you can get a new phone with a new contract.
There is no longer a need for customers to purchase money orders, then mail, or go to each biller location, customer bill payments is processed electronically in your place of business, no money orders, no stamps, no envelopes, no gas expense, with no loss time taken off from work.
The Pay All Bill Payment Service will provide a competitive advantage for all types of businesses.
The Bill Payment Services will attract new customers, along with establishing repeat customers for your business, plus customers will purchase other goods and services while visiting your place to pay all of there household bill payments, we can't emphasize this enough, this bill payment service system will help your businesses in so many other great ways with goods and services you retail presently.
This service is a great traffic builder, encouraging your customers to come back month after month. Getting customers into your stores to pay all there bills is going to become more and more simple, once customers get used to, and know they can pay all billers their, It will become a habit!. Bill Payment Solutions that shares a common vision with you about how your business can win in your market. This will be exciting of your business becoming need-fillers for your customers, the new emerging innovating Bill Payment Service, Cellular Service Providers concept.
Done right, the local convenience store can become the primary source for financial services and prepaid cellular products for needy customers in their neighborhoods.
How Prepaid Cell Phones bring repeat business for merchant retailers go to: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com
Prepaid Phone Cards Cellular Services Store Owners Tips Blog: http://billpaymentservice.blogspot.com
Want to know more about having walk-in online bill payment services & prepaid cellular phone pos terminal that will help you grow your business: Check out web sites: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com
Phone: 1-877-947-3577
U.S.A Business Owners Only Please
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.

Monday, November 17, 2008
Prepaid Cellular Pins-Top Up Cellular Service Providers are Getting Very Popular for Retailers Walk-in Customers
Prepaid Cellular Phone allows retail customer to take control of cell phone usage with Prepaid Cellular Service cell phone basic. The customer who need a prepaid cell phone are:
Budgent minded cell phone users
Emergency users
Parent who want their kids to stay in touch wiithout the worry of running up a bill
People with some damaged or no credit history
Many retailers walk-in customers now prefer prepaid services since they offer a variety of advantages related to lifestyle and cost control that simply are not availiable through post-paid contract based services.
Prepaid cellular phone have a distince advantage over regular subscriptions. They offer cost control with a fixed price per minute, unlimited talk, and control over cost.
Prepaid Cellular Phones are ideal in the following situations:
If you want to budget your cell phone use.
Want a phone for occasional use but don't want to pay a monthly service fee or enter a long-term agreeement.
Have no credit history or past credit problems.
Usage varies from month to month
Want to buy your children a phone for emergency use but restrict the amount of call they can make
looking for gift
Prepaid Cellular Phones top-ups allow customers the abilty to pay for the exact number of minutes used
up-front cost control
no long-term contract
life-saver for emergencies - accidents, breaking down on the road
Advantages of Prepaid Cell Phone Service
Provide lifstyle advantages: Abilities to limit calling expenditures as well as service duration are especially attractive to students, parents, young professionals, and businesses with contract employees.
Young Subscribers and their parents benefit because the possibilty of recieving an unexpectedly large bill in the mail is eliminated.
Prepaid Cellular Service offers customers more flexibility, and the ability to pay up front for their cellular service, with no contract, no credit checks and no monthly bill, also for someone who doesn't want to talk a lot.
With prepaid cell phones, your walk-in customers pay for what they expect to use upfront, by giving customers total control of cellular costs. Every time your customers run-out, they will come back to buy some top-up airtime at your place of retail business. REPEAT WALK-IN BUSINESS for the retailers who uses the solutions in there business.
Done right, the local convenience store can become the primary source for financial services and prepaid cellular products for needy customers in their neighborhoods.
How Prepaid Cell Phones bring repeat business for merchant retailers go to: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com
Prepaid Cellular Services Store Owners Tips Blog: http://billpaymentservice.blogspot.com
Want to know more about having walk-in online bill payment services & prepaid cellular phone pos terminal that will help you grow your business?
Check out web sites: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com
Phone: 1-877-947-3577
U.S.A Business Owners Only Please
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Prepaid Cellular Pins-Top Up Cellular Service Providers are Getting Very Popular for Retailers Walk-in Customers
Prepaid Cellular Phone allows retail customer to take control of cell phone usage with Prepaid Cellular Service cell phone basic. The customer who need a prepaid cell phone are:
Budgent minded cell phone users
Emergency users
Parent who want their kids to stay in touch wiithout the worry of running up a bill
People with some damaged or no credit history
Many retailers walk-in customers now prefer prepaid services since they offer a variety of advantages related to lifestyle and cost control that simply are not availiable through post-paid contract based services.
Prepaid cellular phone have a distince advantage over regular subscriptions. They offer cost control with a fixed price per minute, unlimited talk, and control over cost.
Prepaid Cellular Phones are ideal in the following situations:
If you want to budget your cell phone use.
Want a phone for occasional use but don't want to pay a monthly service fee or enter a long-term agreeement.
Have no credit history or past credit problems.
Usage varies from month to month
Want to buy your children a phone for emergency use but restrict the amount of call they can make
looking for gift
Prepaid Cellular Phones top-ups allow customers the abilty to pay for the exact number of minutes used
up-front cost control
no long-term contract
life-saver for emergencies - accidents, breaking down on the road
Advantages of Prepaid Cell Phone Service
Provide lifstyle advantages: Abilities to limit calling expenditures as well as service duration are especially attractive to students, parents, young professionals, and businesses with contract employees.
Young Subscribers and their parents benefit because the possibilty of recieving an unexpectedly large bill in the mail is eliminated.
Prepaid Cellular Service offers customers more flexibility, and the ability to pay up front for their cellular service, with no contract, no credit checks and no monthly bill, also for someone who doesn't want to talk a lot.
With prepaid cell phones, your walk-in customers pay for what they expect to use upfront, by giving customers total control of cellular costs. Every time your customers run-out, they will come back to buy some top-up airtime at your place of retail business. REPEAT WALK-IN BUSINESS for the retailers who uses the solutions in there business.
Done right, the local convenience store can become the primary source for financial services and prepaid cellular products for needy customers in their neighborhoods.How Prepaid Cell Phones bring repeat business for merchant retailers go to: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com
Prepaid Cellular Services Store Owners Tips Blog: http://billpaymentservice.blogspot.com
Want to know more about having walk-in online bill payment services & prepaid cellular phone pos terminal that will help you grow your business? Check out web sites: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com
Phone: 1-877-947-3577
U.S.A Business Owners Only Please
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Prepaid Phone Cards - Online Bill Payment Service focus to bring repeat traffic to retailers!
Increased foodservice.
Innovative architecture.
Technological solutions
Niche category opportunities.
New products.
This is a must read on how you can achieve repeat foot traffic, continue to online bill payment services walk in program solutions!
Prepaid cellular phone card solutions http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com/
Done right, the local convenience store can become the primary source for financial services and prepaid cellular products for needy customers in their neighborhoods. How Prepaid Cell Phones bring repeat business for merchant retailers go to: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com/
Prepaid Cellular Services Store Owners Tips Blog: http://billpaymentservice.blogspot.com/
Want to know more about having walk-in online bill payment services & prepaid cellular phone cards pos terminal that will help you grow your business?
Continue to web site: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com/
Phone: 1-877-947-3577
U.S.A Business Owners Only Please
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
ATTENTION, All Cellular Store Dealers, Pawn Shops, Convenience Stores & Check Cashing Locations. Become the NEED FILLERS! in difficult times
As any merchant retailer owner will tell you, retail business is all about foot traffic. To get dollars in the store, business owners got to get repeat walk-in traffic in their stores, Most retailers know this very well.
In these difficult times, only the exceptional retail businesses thrive with consistently program solutions that help fill there customers needs, that can help surpass even the toughest challenges.
The truth is, only merchant retail business owners who are willing & open to do, new program solutions differently, to bring in repeat foot traffic will continue to achieve, no matter the circumstances.
This is a must read on how you can achieve repeat foot traffic, continue to online bill payment services walk in program solutions - prepaid cellular phone card solutions.
Done right, the local convenience store can become the primary source for financial services and prepaid cellular products for needy customers in their neighborhoods. How Prepaid Cell Phones bring repeat business for merchant retailers go to: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com/
Prepaid Cellular Services Store Owners Tips Blog: http://billpaymentservice.blogspot.com/
Want to know more about having walk-in online bill payment services & prepaid cellular phone pos terminal that will help you grow your business? Check out web sites: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com/
Phone: 1-877-947-3577
U.S.A Business Owners Only Please
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Attention, All Retailers! Recession Proof Business Ideas with Prepaid Phone Card & Online Bill Payment Service Program
Prepaid Phone Card Solutions For Retailers
Merchant retailers walk-in customer will always need a way to save costs & pay household bills. Offer your walk-in customers top up time with no contract or monthly fee. and way to pay all or any biller with the wave of the future walk-in money solutions.
Prepaid cellular phone card services programs are getting very popular these days. Many people now prefer prepaid services since they off a variety of advantages related to lifestyle and cost control that simply are not available through post-paid contract based services.
Prepaid cell phones have a distinct advantage over regular subscriptions. They offer cost control with fixed price, control over costs with cell phone distributed parents, and no credit check.
Online Bill Payment Service Solution Program for Merchant Retailers
There is no longer a need for customers to purchase money orders, then mail, or go to each biller location, customer bill payments is processed electronically in your place of business, no money orders, no stamps, no envelopes, no gas expense, with no loss time taken off from work.
The Pay All Bill Payment Service will provide a competitive advantage for all types of businesses. The Bill Payment Services will attract new customers, along with establishing repeat customers for your business, plus customers will purchase other goods and services while visiting your place to pay all of there household bill payments, we can't emphasize this enough, this bill payment service system will help your businesses in so many other great ways with goods and services you retail presently.
This service is a great traffic builder, encouraging your customers to come back month after month. Getting customers into your stores to pay all there bills is going to become more and more simple, once customers get used to, and know they can pay all billers their, It will become a habit!. Bill Payment Solutions that shares a common vision with you about how your business can win in your market. This will be exciting of your business becoming need-fillers for your customers, the new emerging innovating Bill Payment Service, Cellular Service Providers concept.
Done right, the local convenience store can become the primary source for financial services and prepaid cellular products for needy customers in their neighborhoods.How Prepaid Cell Phones bring repeat business for merchant retailers go to: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com/
Prepaid Cellular Services Store Owners Tips Blog: http://billpaymentservice.blogspot.com/
Want to know more about having walk-in online bill payment services & prepaid cellular phone pos terminal that will help you grow your business? Check out web sites: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com/
Phone: 1-877-947-3577
U.S.A Business Owners Only Please
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.

Monday, September 22, 2008
Convenience Stores - Wireless Cellular Dealers will Bank On Solutions of Online Bill Payments & Prepaid Cellular Card Solutions
Convenience stores are becoming the primary source for financial services and prepaid cellular products for customers in their local neighborhood communities.
Here in the 21st century, providing convenience store retail owner customers with financial products and services like bill payments, prepaid cellular phone card solutions, & prepaid debit cash loading can be as easy, and as necessary, as selling soda, candy and beer.
Focusing on these sevices can leverage stores’ existing traffic, bolster one-stop shopping convenience. The customer is typically the unbanked or underbanked customer.
The reasons retailers offer these solutions is the convenience of one-stop shopping. If convenience storehave these solutions to offer to their walk-in customers in there stores, then the customer don’t have to go elsewhere. The retailer owner customers can handle everything in one location. They can pay all bills or add time to prepaid cellular phone, the retail owner gives the walkin customer what they need to pay all bills and make the prepaid cellular purchases all in one place. Most retaile business owner finds solutions lends itself well to people who shop in ಕಾಂವೆನಿಎಂಕ್ stores.
Done right, the local convenience store can become the primary source for financial services and prepaid cellular products for needy customers in their neighborhoods.
How Prepaid Cell Phones bring repeat business for merchant retailers go to: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com/
Prepaid Cellular Services Store Owners Tips Blog: http://billpaymentservice.blogspot.com/
Want to know more about having walk-in online bill payment services & prepaid cellular phone pos terminal that will help you grow your business? Check out web sites ಟುಡೇ.
Phone: 1-877-947-3577
U.S.ಅ Business Owners Only Please

Monday, September 08, 2008
Cellular Prepaid Cards-Pins - Online Bill Payment Services. No Invertory Cost System For Retailers. The Wave Of The Future Solutions!.
Most people don't need an unlimited plan. In fact, many consumers would be better off switching from a regular monthly bill to a pay-as-you-go plan. They could save hundreds of dollars per year.
How does prepaid work? Each company is a little different. But generally you buy the phone. Some are very cheap, starting at $10 for the simplest phones. Then you buy minutes to load onto the phone. A dime a minute is a good price; a quarter a minute is mediocre. You can buy minutes online or in stores, in the form of a card with a code that you enter into the phone.
Some of the better deals come from such providers as AT&T, Tracfone and sister company Net10, T-Mobile and Virgin Mobile. These companies also ranked high in a recent J.D. Power and Associates customer-satisfaction survey about prepaids.
You can probably retain your current cellphone number by "porting" it to the prepaid carrier. And call quality is generally good because prepaids use the same wireless networks as the traditional carriers. Of course, quality varies by region and community.
Reasons to use prepaid phones:
•Taxes and fees. Prepaids have no tacked-on taxes and fees.
•No contract. You have no obligation to the wireless provider. No monthly bills, no early-termination fees and no credit checks.
Many consumers on a tight budget go for a prepaid cellular phone plan. This is practically due to the fact that a prepaid cellular phone plan saves money and limits credit by setting a limit to how much a consumer can spend or use.
Another advantage of availing prepaid cellular phone plan is that you don't have to fall for a debt. In other cases, you don't even need a credit card to use its services. Virgin Mobile Phone, for example, offers prepaid phone cards in their Virgin Megastores. So, all you have to do is get if off the rack, give your cash to the cashier, and in minutes, enjoy making calls.
The prepaid cellular phone plan is easier on the wallet and is also free of hassles. In addition, prepaid plans require no commitment to consumers unlike in post paid plans. The consumer is not required to pay a set amount of cash in set time intervals unlike in post paid plans. Instead, the consumer only pays how much he plans to use. Post paid plans have penalties wherein the consumer has to pay when a consumer fails to meet the terms of the contract. Prepaid plans, on the other hand, have no contracts and no financial obligations.
With a prepaid cellular phone plan, there are no additional headaches in using a cell phone. All you have to do is buy a mobile phone and then load it with prepaid credit. The minutes of calls and the number of messages you can send on your phone depends on how much you loaded it.
No inventory cost prepaid cards prepaid cellular service solutions - bill payment services too bring repeat business into your retail doors continue to getting started with walk-in bill payment center site: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com/
How Prepaid Cell Phones bring repeat business for merchant retailers go to: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com/
Prepaid Cellular Services Store Owners Tips Blog: http://billpaymentservice.blogspot.com/
Phone: 1-877-947-3577
Business Owners Only Please
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.

Friday, August 15, 2008
How Retailers are Building loyalty and Repeat Customers Returning with Online Bill Paying Services - Cheap Phone Cards
For merchants it's not just about the sales made that day, it's about the loyalty they build in there walk-in customers and their probability of customers returning in this economy.
Interested tips for facing hard times.
1. Retailer must understand where they want to take there business and put together a plan.
2. Learn to communicate more effectively & employess need to feel that things are good and that their futures are safe.
3. Install solutions systems into your business to help with the daily work.
4. Measure and monitor your business more closely than ever. Decide the thing thats most important for your business and pick the things that going to bring in repeat walk-in business.
To learn how open or start prepaid cellular service - bill payment services too bring repeat business into your door go to getting started with walk-in bill payment center site: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com
How Prepaid Cell Phones bring repeat business for merchant retailers go to: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com
Prepaid Cellular Services Store Owners Tips Blog: http://billpaymentservice.blogspot.com
Call Today to get Started: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.

Monday, August 04, 2008
Attention, All Merchants!. Walk-in Pays All Billers Bill Paying with Online Bill Payment Service Expected to Increase Repeat Traffic for Retailers.
For millions of people in store bill paying services is a great way to get those bills paid on time, everybody wins because of the potential additional revenue the retailer can generate from aggregated billpay.
With a lot of stores, once your are customers are in there to pay all of there household bills, the customers often will purchase other items, so there’s incremental revenue that can be generated at that merchant retail locations.
More infomation about bill payment services & prepaid wireless cellular providers can be found at: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com/
Cellular Phone Distributor Prepaid Pin Cards: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com/
Phone Toll Free: 1-877-947-3577
Online Bill Payment Service - Prepaid Cellular Provider Phone Service: http://billpaymentservice.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Retailers To Sell Prepaid Cellular Wireless
Retailers To Sell Prepaid Cellular Wireless
Prepaid Phones Cards & More...
Walk-In Bill Payment Services
Prepaid Home Phone Service
Prepaid Mobile Handsets
Prepaid Wireless Airtime Cards
Wireless Refills
Direct Topups
Phone Cards
Merchant Retailers can start with Terminal PC and Web based applications with direct link to prepaid cellular carriers & all or any billers. Innovative technologies for retail wireless cellular prepaid dealers that simplify the selling process. For more infomation on POSA terminal. POSA, Point of Sales Activation for your one stop solution continue: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com
Retailers to sell walk-in bill pay continue to: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com
Call Today, U.S.A Retailers: 1-877-947-3577

Monday, June 16, 2008
Wireless Retailers Maximize Prepaid Cellular Margins With Point of Sale Prepaid!
Cellular dealers will build a greater income with POSA. Prepaid POSA provides a secure a safe way to manage prepaid cellular PINS! Retailers may also get started with web access or terminals with no inventory cost for walk-in customer that need top-ups for prepaid cellular phones.
To learn how your retail business can help your walk-in customers have more control over cellular phone costs go to: http://billpaymentservice.blogspot.com/
Prepaid Cellular Service Provider Solutions: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com/
Bill Payment Services: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com/
: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.

Wireless Retailers Maximize Prepaid Cellular Margins With Point of Sale Prepaid!
Cellular dealers will build a greater income with POSA. Prepaid POSA provides a secure a safe way to manage prepaid cellular PINS! Retailers may also get started with web access or terminals with no inventory cost for walk-in customer that need top-ups for prepaid cellular phones.
To learn how your retail business can help your walk-in customers have more control over cellular phone costs go to: http://billpaymentservice.blogspot.com/
Prepaid Cellular Service Provider Solutions: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com/
Bill Payment Services: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com/
: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Prepaid Cell Phones will Save Taxpayers Thousands & Help Merchant Retailers with Repeat Walk-In Business
State Legislative Audit Council recommendations that it says could save taxpayers over $800,000 a year.
The audit found that agencies have taken steps to reduce personal use and inappropriate downloads. Those steps include requiring employees to reimburse the agency for those charges, blocking downloads where possible, reviewing agency cell phone bills and counseling employees on the proper use of state-issued cell phones.
Recommendations to save money include agencies reviewing cell phone usage to make sure they have the most cost-effective plan and reviewing employee cell phone use to see if employees have a continuing need for the cell phone. Agencies could also provide prepaid cellular phones to employees who need phones only for use in emergencies & control costs
To learn how your retail business can help your walk-in customers have more control over cellular phone costs go to: http://billpaymentservice.blogspot.com
Prepaid Cellular Service Provider Solutions: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com
Bill Payment Services: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com
Phone: 1-877-947-3577

Thursday, June 05, 2008
More infomation about bill payment services & prepaid wireless cellular providers can be found at: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com
Electronic transaction processing pays any biller & the most wide variety of prepaid cellular products for merchants walk-in customers.
- Increase foot Traffic by 30%
- Access To Any Biller
- Guaranteed Payment processing
- Tansaction Take Seconds
- Utilities
- Cellular Phone Bills
- Auto
- Insurance
- Loan
- Credit Card
- Mortgage
- Posted Within 4-Hours
The Prepaid Cellular Wireless Phones has Arrived
- No Surprise Cellular Phones Bills
- Control Cellular Costs
- No Risk of Being Shut Off
More infomation about bill payment services & prepaid wireless cellular providers can be found at: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com/
Cellular Phone Distributor Prepaid Pin Cards: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com/ Phone Toll Free: 1-877-947-3577
Online Bill Payment Service - Prepaid Cellular Provider Phone Service: http://billpaymentservice.blogspot.com/
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The Prepaid Trend Is Your Friend. How Merchant Retailers are Underlying the Prepaid Cellular - Online Bill Payment Services Trend!
With substantial growth expected to come from the prepaid cellular wireless market, national prepaid carriers are beginning to pay more attention to the prepaid cellular, no contract customers. Prepaid customers now expect to be able to access the same services that postpaid customers can use.
A lot of them want a basic prepaid cellular phone. That's a market that's always going to be there, because prepaid control's cellular phone costs. Some consumers might not have a lot of credit or cash in the bank, but they can still afford to buy high-end sneakers. It's not that they don't have any money, it's that they don't have any credit or reliable cash flow. Prepaid cellular helps in so many ways for any consumer or businesses that like's to control costs.
This is a must read on.
Solutions is a great traffic builder, encouraging your customers to come back month after month. Getting customers into your stores to pay all there bills is going to become more and more simple, once customers get used to, and know they can pay all billers their, It will become a habit!. Bill Payment Solutions that shares a common vision with you about how your business can win in your market. This will be exciting of your business becoming need-fillers for your customers, the new emerging innovating Bill Payment Service, Cellular Service Providers concept.
Prepaid Cellular Phone Services Solutions Services: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com
Onine Bill Payment Services Solutions for Retailers: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com
Call Today to get Started: 1-877-947-3577
Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Attention, Wireless Dealers - Store Owners. Here's How you Can Make the Right Adjustments. No Inventory Costs & Eliminate Theft
The Electronic Cellular Recharge Concept to Develop a Model Which Addresses a Number of Abjectives.
A station that Eliminates Theft - The displayed cards have no value.
A station that Reduces Display Space - There is no need for card with multiple dollar denomination.
A station that increase customer loyalty and Encourages Repeat Business - The cards can be recharged, without purchasing new cards.
A station that Easily Add Products - When new Pre-Paid products become available, they can be added with a simple program download.
To provide ease of use front end services. Sell Now, Pay Later - You only pay for what you actually sell. You never have to buy an inventory. Don't incur any costs on products until after they are sold and you have collected the money.
Wider variety of products.
Eliminates running out of product inventory.
Provides real-time sales data.
Provides tracking of all sales data at all levels of business.
Provides daily reports via terminal processing unit.
Eliminates card production and delivery costs.
Significant new revenue source.
The concept for the electronic cellular recharge is that from a single POSA Terminal, a retail merchant can offer his customer multiple Prepaid services. This concept is superior to merchants having to use "LIVE" prepaid cards that are expensive to purchase and are plague by theft. A merchant must make as many as 10 Pre-paid card sales to makeup for the theft of one live card.
The usage is similar to paying a bill by debit card where a keypad is used to select airtime minutes or dollar values. The purchased product is delivered in real time via the POS terminal in the form of a secure PIN number from the carriers secure server. A printed receipt containing the unique PIN number enables the service activation. Since the PIN number is downloaded in real time, is single use, and doesn't need to be inventoried by the retailer, it couldn't be more user friendly and cost effective. Easy. Merchant retailer may also use web based pins from personal business computer.
There are three different ways associated with the development and display of any electronic cellular recharge station. Prepaid Wireless Direct is willing to make this process as easy as possible for you. We provide display, which creates a visually compelling presentation of prepaid products. The merchandising center combined the POSA terminal, will allow you to show off prepaid products with no concern for theft of live Prepaid Cellular Time & Prepaid Phone Cards.
Prepaid system is the most sophisticated of its type in the industry -- simple, intuitive, and powerful. No minimum number of accounts is required, and the program spans the entire U.S. open markets.
To learn how open or start prepaid cellular service - bill payment services too bring repeat business into your door go to getting started with walk-in bill payment center site: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com/
How Prepaid Cell Phones bring repeat business for merchant retailers go to: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com/
Prepaid Cellular Services Store Owners Tips Blog: http://billpaymentservice.blogspot.com
Today to get Started: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Merchant Retailers are Improving Efficiency and Peace of Mind with New Nonstop Bill Payment Service- Prepaid Cellular Solutions
Were you aware that there are literally millions of US households that do not have a checking account. Millions of these households need your businesses to use this highly needed conveniently way to pay all of their monthly bills!. How many of these customers are yours?
Now you can offer them an option...Bill Payments & Cellular Services.
Options to pay any bill, to any biller, in any fashion. A nationwide network Bill Payment Services.
Start generating revenue by offering your customers a service that "closes the loop" on Electronic Bill Payment & Cellular Phone Service.
Convenience, Saves Time and Saves Money For Your Customers
Millions of Americans adults don't have a checking account, 25%-35% of all bills are paid by walk-in customers. You can make it easy for your customers to pay their bills, people who have limited transportation, prefer paying in cash, want to make late payment, don't trust the mail or want a receipt by Bill Payment Service, a Federally established owned service.
There is no longer a need for customers to purchase money orders, then mail, or go to each biller location, customer bill payments is processed electronically in your place of business, no money orders, no stamps, no envelopes, no gas expense, with no loss time taken off from work.
The Pay All Bill Payment Service will provide a competitive advantage for all types of businesses. The Bill Payment Services will attract new customers, along with establishing repeat customers for your business, plus customers will purchase other goods and services while visiting your place to pay all of there household bill payments, we can't emphasize this enough, this bill payment service system will help your businesses in so many other great ways with goods and services you retail presently.
This service is a great traffic builder, encouraging your customers to come back month after month. Getting customers into your stores to pay all there bills is going to become more and more simple, once customers get used to, and know they can pay all billers their, It will become a habit!. Bill Payment Solutions that shares a common vision with you about how your business can win in your market. This will be exciting of your business becoming need-fillers for your customers, the new emerging innovating Bill Payment Service, Cellular Service Providers concept.
This is a must read on.
Onine Bill Payment Services Solutions for Retailers: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com/
Prepaid Cellular Phone Services Solutions Services: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com/
Call Today toll free to start: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services. The Wave Of The Future!. SMART Solutions.
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.

Friday, April 18, 2008
Online Bill Payment Services-Prepaid Cellular Services: Merchant Retail Tips for Wireless Stores, Grocery Stores, Check Cashing Stores , Gas Stations
This is a must read on.
Onine Bill Payment Services Solutions for Retailers: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com/
Prepaid Cellular Phone Services Solutions Services: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com/
Call Today toll free to start: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.

Monday, April 14, 2008
How In a Down Economy, Prepaid Cell Phone Wireless Phone Dealers are Prospering
Adults younger than 50 are more willing to give up Internet or TV service than part with cellular mobile phones, According to Research Center. The longer the economic downturn, the more the benefit is for retailers, Most retail customers will eliminate home-phone lines to keep prepaid pay-as-you-go mobile services, recession don't hurt them.
To learn how retail cellular dealer retail businesses are inproving repeat customer experience with in-store bill payment services & prepaid cellular phone companies continue to: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com
Bill Payment Services Solutions For Merchant Retailers: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Merchant Retailers Buying Strategic Competitive Advantages with Prepaid Cellular - Bill Payment Services Solutions
Ways retailers to not simply survive, but thrive is to become even more in-tune about customer's shopping experience in your store.
Retail experience is indeed part of retailers value proposition, merchant must deliver a better experience in 2008 than they did in the past. Failure to do so will have a direct impact on both businesses top and bottom lines.
The great way to help your top and bottm lines is to make customers feel good about their experience with your retail business.
Merchant Customer's of 2008 Trends
1. Does your customer feel a positive and energetic vibe when he/she enters the store?
This usually comes from a combination of the staff's attitude, quality of greeting, music, and other variables.
2. Is it clear to your customer that he/she is the staff's highest priority - without being pounced on as they walk in the door?
Some retailers have cut back staffing to a point that the employee's priority is now completing tasks instead of focusing on the customer.
3. Are you creating some type of memorable moment for your customers?
What is happening inside your store that isn't happening anywhere else? Is it that bottle of water your customer is offered, a comfortable chair, a piece of candy or a product sample? While the best memorable moments are usually the result of your staff doing something spontaneous with a customer, a planned strategic memorable moment is a very effective tool.
4. Are your customers able to check out quickly when they're ready?
Customers never feel good if they have to wait a long time to finalize their purchase. Sometimes they don't even bother. A friend of mine was at a department store last weekend and wanted to buy over $400 worth of clothes but the only register open was much too slow for him.
5. Is your store impeccable?
Not just clean, not just well merchandised, impeccable! Beyond the staff, the store environment plays a big part in the customer's experience. Are the product displays well maintained Are new shipments put out quickly without causing any disruption to the customer? Is the cashwrap clutter-free?
6. Most important of all, is every single employee in your company obsessed with your customer's experience?
That by far is the most important thing you can and should be doing right now. Every employee in your company or store should be obsessed with the customer's experience because they know that it is the highest priority and there's no one more obsessed about the customer's experience than you.
If merchant retailers closely analyze their customers, business, environment, and technologies, the in-store customer experiences can be dramtically enhanced to create compelling and profitable solutions that drive sales, fuel profits and repeat customers with online bill payment services, prepaid cellular services, prepaid debit cash loading, & international money transfer.
To learn how open or start prepaid cellular service - bill payment services too bring repeat business into your door go to getting started with walk-in bill payment center site: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com
How Prepaid Cell Phones bring repeat business for merchant retailers go to: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com
Call Today to get Started: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Online Bill Payments Services - Prepaid Cellular Solutions. The Keys for Retailer Creating, Deploying & Managing Customer Experience with Technology
Retailers are taking advantage of these technologies to enhance the in-store customer experience, drive sales, and fuel profits. These technologies help merchant retailers businesses stand out and deliver more.
Business owners need to leverage there existing business assets, and integrate proven technologies to create unique and powerful customer interactions. Merchants that have success with customer experience technologies to follow these solutions.
1. Start with the customer.
2. Tie it to your business.
3. Understand the environment.
4. Select the technology
Start With The Customer
It is important to note that in creating meaningful customer experiences, you must start with the customer. Focus on the customer. To create powerful customer experiences, you need to start by understanding your customers, what they want, how they like to get it, and how the experience can be enhanced. Merchant retailer must understand your customer drivers and experiences that keep them coming back.
Tie It To Your Business
Deploying technology to better serve customers is great. Online Bill Payment Services - Prepaid Cellular Service drives revenue, decreases costs & enhances customer loyalty. Know Your Objectives - Merchant business owners must deliver additional value to customer interaction.
Understand the Environment
Merchant Retailers must analyzed the business objectives & match them with customer goals. Identify the unique environment and location issues for technologies. To create an engaging customer experience, the technology has to play well within the store.
Select The technology
Depending on requirement, different technologies work better for different situation. Look for solutions that are flexible, allowing you to mix and match technologies to fit specific customers needs at specific times.
If merchant retailers closely analyze their customers, business, environment, and technologies, the in-store customer experiences can be dramtically enhanced to create compelling and profitable solutions that drive sales, fuel profits and repeat customers with online bill payment services, prepaid cellular services, prepaid debit cash loading, & international money transfer.
To learn how open or start prepaid cellular service - bill payment services too bring repeat business into your door go to getting started with walk-in bill payment center site: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com/
How Prepaid Cell Phones bring repeat business for merchant retailers go to: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com/
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Prepaid Cellular Phones - Bill Payment Services: Defining Merchant Retailers Into Need Fillers!.
Here's How Retailers Are TurboCharging Their Businesses For The Road Ahead With Walk-In Bill Payment Services-Prepaid Cellular Phone Services, Plus More!. Your Niche!, By Defining Merchant Retailers Into Need Fillers!.
Wireless Direct Now Offers Electronic Bill Payment Service Money Solutions; Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Service & Cellular Provider Services Technologies.
Shorewood, Wisconsin -- The electronic age has been bridged by a new electronic bill payment service now offered through Wireless Direct, Solutions for Retailers. The service is called Pay All Bills and provides "one-stop" convenience for anyone needing to pay any bill.
The entire process is completely safe, reliable and underwritten by an F.D.I.C. insured bank. Rather than purchasing a money order, finding an envelope, purchasing a stamp, and taking the bill to the post office, a person, by taking that bill or statement to Merchant Retailers, can become an established bill payment customer and pay any bill that is payable to any biller. The entire bill payment process is completed at one convenient location. The Pay All Bills system is a nationwide, Internet based solution allowing Merchant Retailer Customers to make it an easy choice for any person to pay any and all of their bills, month after month. The system utilizes relationships with thousands of commercial billers in various industries that have agreed to accept payments electronically. Additionally, any biller not currently participating in our electronic network will be contacted by the service to discuss details about how their business can become eligible to receive payments electronically, thereby enhancing their customer service.
Time frames for payment settlement vary between billers, most as quickly as two business days, depending on whether the biller can accept electronic remittance. Even if a biller cannot receive an electronic payment, still forwards the funds to the biller.
"This process has been well received by billers and customers alike," said McLaughlin, CEO, Bank, Ralls, Texas, owner of the bill payment software. "Inexpensive electronic bill payment has been reserved for those with a bank account, until now. We are pleased to offer to individuals that do not have a banking relationship a way to conveniently pay bills, too," added McLaughlin.
More infomation about bill payment services & prepaid wireless cellular providers can be found at: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com/
One Stop Shop Money Solutions: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com/
Ideas & Infomation For Merchant Retailers: http://billpaymentservice.blogspot.com/
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Top Reasons Wireless Retailers are Winning & Walk-in Customers are Choosing Prepaid Cell Phones Top Ups & Online Bill Payment Service Solutions.
To succeed you have to know that you are indeed better than your competitors. You may not always have the lowest price or the largest inventory, but you must be confident that your in-store experience you offer your customer is indeed the best.
Keeping that confidence is easy when things are going well but it can get challenging if you're falling short of goal. And once a retail team begins to lose confidence it becomes even harder to win.
Every day your store is open you're stepping up to the plate. Every day you either hit your goal and win that day's game, or you fall short and you don't.
I guarantee that if, when you open your doors in the morning, you are absolutely positive your retail team is indeed better than everyone else, then you've got a great shot at winning that day's game.
Reason merchant retailer customer use prepaid cellular providers solutions
1. If you get a flat tire or your car breaks down, you’ll have a way to get a hold of a family member, taxi or tow truck (or all three) whether you’re within distance of a payphone or not. And since most prepaid plans don’t have roaming charges, you don’t have to worry about incurring extra fees based on where you’re at.
2. Prepaid cell phones do not require contracts or credit checks. Just because you forgot to pay a bill three years ago doesn’t mean you have to pay hundreds of dollars in deposits to belong to the 21st century.
3. Depending on who you call and when, long distance calls from your prepaid cell phone may be even cheaper than calling from a landline – and with a prepaid cell, you can do it from anywhere you happen to be!
4. You haven’t lived until you’ve text messaged. Many people are finding text messaging a great way to keep in touch when you don’t have time to call someone or are in a situation where dialing a phone or talking on it might be rude. Depending on the provider you choose, your plan can include text messaging – giving you not only a cell phone, but a mini instant messenger as well.
5. No matter where you are, you’re accessible to family, friends and business associates. You don’t have to wait by the phone for someone to call. A prepaid phone will usually tell you how many minutes you have left, so you know when to end those calls before you go over the allotted minutes, unlike most postpaid plans.
6. Don’t want to be accessible? Having a prepaid phone makes it easy to tell someone you’re almost out of minutes and have to go. Okay, so maybe that isn’t the most honest use for a prepaid cellular phone, but it sure can be a useful one!
7. Tons of people are not regular cellular users and only want cell phones for emergencies and times when they travel. With a traditional cell phone, you’re locked into a contract that requires you to pay a monthly service fee whether you use the phone or not. With a prepaid phone, you can get a minute plan that allows you to use the phone only when you need it – without paying for the times you don’t.
8. Phones utilizing prepaid wireless service can be just as cool as those using traditional plans. The top providers offer up to date phones with everything from email capabilities, to picture messaging, to custom ringtones and more. Same great features without signing an iron clad contract.
9. Have a teenager with a cell phone? Then you’ve likely had the strength of your heart tested on more than one occasion when you’ve gotten their monthly bill. Prepaid mobile phones are a great way for teens to get the "coolness" they require without giving them an equivalent to a blank check. By utilizing prepaid, you’re able to limit their use – and their bill.
To learn how open or start prepaid cellular service - bill payment services too bring repeat business into your door go to getting started with walk-in bill payment center site: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com
How Prepaid Cell Phones bring repeat business for merchant retailers go to: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com
Phone Today to Get Started 1-(877)-947-3577 Toll Free

Thursday, February 28, 2008
The Online Bill Payments Services & Prepaid Cellular Solutions that Serves the Merchant Retailers Bottom Line!
- Up to 30% of customers pay in person
- Those who pay in person do so because they: prefer to pay in person (29.9%), like to pay in cash (23%), like to get receipt (21.2%), prefer to pay as late as possible (14.2%) want to avoid disconnection (13.7%), do not trust the mail (8.2%), or like to get out of the house and see people(4.7%)
- 14 million households are unbanked, or 28% of the U.S. population is unbanked or underserved by banks
- An 48 million consumers in the U.S. do not maintain any bank account
- Reasons for not having a bank account include not having enough money, fees, minimum balances that are too high, not writing enough checks or a dislike of dealing with banks
Nearly one-third of customers who pay in person are highly interested in paying their bills at a merchant retailer
To learn how open or start bill payment services brings repeat business into your door go to getting started with walk-in bill payment center site: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com/
How Prepaid Cell Phones bring repeat business for merchant retailers go to: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com/
Phone Today to Get Started 1-(877)-947-3577 Toll Free
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.

Monday, February 11, 2008
Bill Payment Services & Prepaid Cellular Phone Solutions are Creating Sales with Energy and Passion for Merchant Retailers.
Retailers need to do what they've always done to succeed but with more focus and determination than ever. Those who aren't doing what they should be doing are going to be in trouble.
Retailers need to do what they always done to succeed but with more focus and determination.
When times get a little tough it all comes down to the basics. All comes down to the staff's ability to maximize their opportunities.
Merchant retailers have to deliver a great experience no matter how slow the store is.
Bill Payment Services & Prepaid Cellular Phone Service Solutions help retailers focus on bringing in repeat customers & helping retailers stay team focused on delivering a great experience to every single customer.
To learn how open or start bill payment services brings repeat business into your door go to getting started with walk-in bill payment center site: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com
How Prepaid Cell Phones bring repeat business for merchant retailers go to: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com
Phone Today to Get Started 1-(877)-947-3577 Toll Free
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Prepaid Cell Phones & Prepaid Cellular Phone Services grow in Popularity For Merchant Retail Customers.
Cash registers ring every day for retailers helping customers for no contract, no credit check cellular, for those who don't want contract, parents trying to keep their kids on a budget.
Business owner are happy to have the option of prepaid cellular providers cellular phone services to offer customers, there are no surprises or hidden fee with prepaid cellular phones solutions.
The Numbers: Prepaid service
- 60 of prepaid cell phone users are women: 40 percent are men
-7 percent of 18- to 24- year-olds are on using prepaid
-55 percent of prepiad cell phone users have annual incomes less than $44,000
-35 percent of prepaid cell phone users subscribe to text services
Source: Jupiter Research
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.
To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on. Prepaid Phone Services Solutions for retailers: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com
Bill Payment Services Solutions: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com/
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.

Thursday, January 31, 2008
Recession or Recession Not? Attention All Retailers. Breakthrough Merchant Retail Tips
A good year for merchant retailers, if they do the following:
1. Invest more, not less, in training and development.
2. Focus on conversion, conversion, conversion. Maybe we should name 2008 The Year of Conversion. Retailers who do not focus on converting traffic to sales will struggle the most this year.
3. Fix their people problems sooner rather than later. When the economy is slowing down is when you can least afford managers or employees who aren't doing what you expect them to do.
4. And last but not least. . . no blaming the economy for falling short of a goal.
The fact is that retailing is going to be a little harder this year than it’s been in quite a while.
The good news is that recession or not, some retailers are going to not only survive but thrive. Do what it takes to be one of them.
To learn how open or start bill payment services brings repeat business into your door go to getting started with walk-in bill payment center site: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com/
How Prepaid Cell Phones bring repeat business for merchant retailers go to: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com/
Phone: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.

Monday, January 28, 2008
Attention, All Retailers! Merchant Retail Resolutions to Improve in 2008. Bill Payment Services - Prepaid Cellular Providers Solutions
Work together on resolutions to improve retail solutions in 2008.
For Store Managers:
I resolve to delegate more of my administrative paperwork to my assistant and spend more time coaching and developing my staff on the floor.
I resolve that by March 1st every staff member will know what I believe are their strengths and they will have an action plan for improvement opportunities.
I also resolve that by that date I will have worked on my assistant's development in the areas he/she needs to develop further as a manager. By the end of the year I want that person ready to run a store.
I resolve to write down three areas in which I want to grow and improve. Once each month I will review that list so I remain focused on becoming the best leader I can be.
I resolve to spend ten minutes every work day reviewing store results to date and strategizing my day to achieve goal. I resolve to create success and not just wait for it to happen.
Finally, I resolve to achieve sales and other performance targets no matter what.
For Independent Store Owners (Some retail executives may consider these as well.)
I resolve to take the actions listed for the store manager position and/or ensure my managers do those resolutions.
I resolve to spend at least one hour each week focused on growing my business and my own personal development. I know that if I don't do this that it will be harder for my business to grow and succeed.
I resolve to put into place a structured sales and experience approach to make sure we maximize every single customer opportunity.
I resolve to stop complaining about Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Bed Bath and Beyond, Toys R Us, or any other big box retailer because of what they sell and how much they sell it for. I will instead use that same energy to find opportunities that are available in key niches not being served by the big boxes as well as delivering more personalized service.
I resolve that by the end of the year I will only be employing great employees or employees who are on their way to greatness. I know I can't afford to have any staff member that I wouldn't want helping me in a store if I was a customer.
I resolve to hand off more of my low impact tactical tasks and spend more time coaching my team and working on strategic plans.
Finally, I resolve to set and achieve sales and other performance targets no matter what.
For Store Support Team Members
I resolve to discover more ways that my department and/or role can help the store be more efficient in 2008.
I resolve to find ways that my work can help improve the experience a customer receives in our stores.
I resolve to be a resource to a manager who is struggling in his/her role and do my best to not be frustrated with that person.
Finally, I resolve to achieve my performance targets no matter what.
For All Store Employees
I resolve to spend 5-10 minutes each work day improving my sales and experience skills or product knowledge.
I resolve to try to do a little something extra for each and every customer.
I resolve to not show a customer a product until I know something about them or their needs.
I resolve to never finish a sale. I will keep recommending products and solutions until the customer finishes the sale.
I resolve to not take personally anything an unhappy customer says. I will also try to turn them from unhappy customer to raving customer advocate.
I resolve to be a good team member by recognizing my colleagues when they do something above and beyond for a customer or another team member.
I resolve to be a positive influence on the entire team.
I resolve that no matter what 2008 brings, I'm going to enjoy it as much as humanly possible.
I resolve to make 2008 the best year ever both professional and personally.
Businesses must never stop innovating and continually add value to there business process to maintain & enahance the competitive position.
To learn how to innovate your business for the wave of the future!.
This is a must read on.
Bill Payment Services Solutions: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions: http://www.prepaidwireless.2ya.com
Retailers Solutions Blog Breakthrough
Call today to get started with amazing solutions for your store. Business owners only: 1-877-9473577

Sunday, January 20, 2008
Merchant Retailers Keep them Coming Back for More with Bill Payment Services & Prepaid Cellular Providers Solutions.
What does the ultimate customer experience look like? Maybe it's an individual making a personal connection with a customer on behalf of the business. Perhaps it's an employee going out of his way to make sure a customer has everything she or he needs and is more than satisfied with the transaction. Essentially it's keeping your promise, whether that promise is implied or stated outright.
All businesses make promises to their customers. They wouldn't be in business if they didn't. But not all companies keep their word. The ones that do naturally set themselves apart from the competition. By providing the ultimate customer experience, you make people loyal to yous business, And store loyalty is everything.
Here's what merchant businesses need to understand, is to have customers value and have sincerity in merchant retailers business, merchants must stop looking at customers with dollor signs in their eyes and start creating relationships with them. When your customers see that you truly value them and care about the solutions that you provide them, they'll be customers for life. Bill Payment Solutions & Prepaid Cellular Providers is one such product that help businesses start a repeat relationship with customers.
To learn how to innovate your merchant retail business for the best solutions for your walk-in customers!.
This is a must read on.
Prepaid Phone Services Solutions: http://www.prepaiddirectwireless.com/
Bill Payment Services Solutions: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com/
Call For More Infomation to get started toll free: 1-877-947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.
Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.