Merchant are finding that adding Empasystems bill pay and top up prepaid cellular solutions to their Point-of-Sale is greatly adding to their repeat foot traffic and revenues. At first, store are very skeptical, but once the solutions have opened new repeat foot traffic in-store front doors and brings in new constant repeat traffic, the store owner will get too sell the customers other goods and services. Good store locations will increase business by 47%, by putting a sign outside the store that advertises "All Bill Accepted Here" Once the store front stick with this repeat store traffic builder, it will become the best thing that's happened in your business.
This solutions is very easy for store clerks, the store owner will be able to accept and process payments to ANY billers, such as utilities, auto, and mortgage, rental apartments, or ANY and ALL billers to name a few.
Getting customers into your to pay bills is going to become more and more prevalent. Once your customers get used to paying bills at a particular store, it will become a habit, your store will become NEED FILLERS!
To apply call (877)947-3577
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider. Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Whether you are a small business retailer or a large retail chain store, Prepaid Wireless Direct has the SMART solutions for you and your customers. Retail licensing provider of walk-in electronic bill payment services for financial Banking Bill Payment Institute Cellular Services Technologies Systems. Services provides convenience for anyone wanting to pay any bill and recharge topup prepaid cellular phones FOR MORE INFORMATION EASILY CONTACT : MAILTO: SALES@PREPAIDDIRECTWIRELESS.COM
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Bill Payments with Wireless Prepaid Cellular Brings in Repeat Customers too Merchant Retailers and Wireless Cellular Stores
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ATT SIM ACTIVATIONS with SPIFFS, Handsets and MORE!-Prepaid Cellular Phone Virtual Terminal - Retailers Business Owners Payments System for Walkin Customers. All Major Cellular Carriers Available
2:11 PM

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Thursday, April 03, 2014
Become a Retail Merchant or Agent - HIGHEST COMMISSIONS PAID to AGENTS and MERCHANT RETAILERS for PREPAID WIRELESS CELLULAR & TOP UP within Your Business Store Front, Don't Let Other Providers Cheat You! Make Good Money Here!
Merchant resembles the retail locations. Prepaid products and services can be sold from a variety of retail outlets.
An Agent or Distributors supply a variety of products to retail locations which includes Convenience stores, liquor stores, check cashing stores, grocery stores, etc but there is always a cost associated with supplying these products to the retail locations. NOW, agents and distributors can supply over 180 different products and services which includes prepaid wireless, prepaid long distance, prepaid internet, prepaid home phone service, prepaid electric, prepaid ring tones, prepaid debit cards, prepaid gift cards to the retailers without spending a single penny from their pocket. Our system allows the agents to freely set up a store without worrying out collections for payment or replenishment. Prepaid Direct Wireless POS solution print out real time PIN receipt within 7 seconds and our automated system runs and bills and collects from the retailers. Retailers, Agents or distributors are paid on every sale.
Most popular retail outlets selling prepaid products and services:
1.Convenience stores
2.Check Cashing Stores
3.Liquor Stores
4.Wireless and Cellular Stores
5.Grocery Stores
6.Super Markets, etc.
Prepaid Direct Wireless, POS solution is ideal for retail stores. With our system, the retail store has access to over 180 different products and service without any upfront cost, no inventory cost, unlimited supply of pins, 24 /7/365 days availability of products.
Features and Benefits:
1.Availability to sell over 180 different products using the same terminals.
2.No Upfront cost
3.Free Equipment
4.Free Advertisement to every store
5.24/7 - 365 days availability of products.
6.Very Secure and Easy to Use.
7.Real Time Online reporting - Merchants and Agents (commissions reports, sales reports, etc)
8.Multi Lingual Customer Support
9.Prepaid Direct Wireless also supports credit card and check processing on the same terminal along with prepaid service.
10.All in One terminal.
To apply call (877)947-3577 or e-mail or click on e-mail link below, with details below and hit send.
Continue to web site for more information:
Leave your name, store name, store address, store phone number, City and State with the best times to contact you and you will received application to be signup quickly. No provider will beat our rates for your business. Start making more from your walk-in customers starting today, Easy approved.
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider. Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Posted by
ATT SIM ACTIVATIONS with SPIFFS, Handsets and MORE!-Prepaid Cellular Phone Virtual Terminal - Retailers Business Owners Payments System for Walkin Customers. All Major Cellular Carriers Available
2:14 PM

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Wednesday, April 02, 2014
The Breakthrough Versatile Retail Store Cellular Phone System that Bring Repeat Store Traffic - Up to $20/SPIFF per in store phone activations.
Activate used or New Sprint Devices on Nationwide Sprint Network. Deal directly with the country's premier Authorized Provider and get paid promptly and accurately, because we respect it's YOUR money!.
Receive instant Retailer location approval for this ground-floor opportunity with powerful network with sales materials.
The Plans
Basic Package
$9.99/mo + tax
250 minutes of talk time
Unlimited texts
Unlimited Talk & Text Nationwide Plans With Data Usage
$19.99/mo + tax
Unlimited talk
Unlimited text
Data Options
Unlimited emails
Unlimited webpages
Unlimited Facebook posts with photo upload
Unlimited app/game/song downloads
Unlimited hours of streaming music
Unlimited streaming video
*4G LTE Data plans that can be added to the $9.99 or $19.99 rate plan.
Nation-Wide Coverage
Your wireless, Your customer way.
Here is how we did it. We started with what is most important with wireless… a dependable nationwide network. Were talking about Nationwide Sprint Network, not just local coverage. Customers are tired of being forced to buy large plans of unlimited data to connect there smart phone. We all fell for the "unlimited" supersize plans and we learned more is not always more. So, we offer customizable plans. Now your customer can take control of there phone bill. Super size there wallet, not there phone bill!
Become a Mobile Authorized Dealer
Want to become a Mobile Authorized Dealer?
Mobile has some of the best compensation plans. We know how tough the market is now! At Mobile we want to ensure your success.
Continue to web for more information:
To apply call (877)947-3577 or e-mail
Leave you name, store name, store address, store phone number, City and State with the best times to contact you.
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider. Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
The Breakthrough Versatile Retail Store Cellular Phone System that Bring Repeat Store Traffic - Up to $20/SPIFF per in store phone activations.
Activate used or New Sprint Devices on Nationwide Sprint Network. Deal directly with the country's premier Authorized Provider and get paid promptly and accurately, because we respect it's YOUR money!.
Receive instant Retailer location approval for this ground-floor opportunity with powerful network with sales materials.
The Plans
Basic Package
$9.99/mo + tax
250 minutes of talk time
Unlimited texts
Unlimited Talk & Text Nationwide Plans With Data Usage
$19.99/mo + tax
Unlimited talk
Unlimited text
Data Options
Unlimited emails
Unlimited webpages
Unlimited Facebook posts with photo upload
Unlimited app/game/song downloads
Unlimited hours of streaming music
Unlimited streaming video
*4G LTE Data plans that can be added to the $9.99 or $19.99 rate plan.
Nation-Wide Coverage
Your wireless, Your customer way.
Here is how we did it. We started with what is most important with wireless… a dependable nationwide network. Were talking about Nationwide Sprint Network, not just local coverage. Customers are tired of being forced to buy large plans of unlimited data to connect there smart phone. We all fell for the "unlimited" supersize plans and we learned more is not always more. So, we offer customizable plans. Now your customer can take control of there phone bill. Super size there wallet, not there phone bill!
Become a Mobile Authorized Dealer
Want to become a Mobile Authorized Dealer?
Mobile has some of the best compensation plans. We know how tough the market is now! At Mobile we want to ensure your success.
Continue to web for more information:
To apply call (877)947-3577 or e-mail
Leave you name, store name, store address, store phone number, City and State with the best times to contact you.
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider. Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Posted by
ATT SIM ACTIVATIONS with SPIFFS, Handsets and MORE!-Prepaid Cellular Phone Virtual Terminal - Retailers Business Owners Payments System for Walkin Customers. All Major Cellular Carriers Available
12:32 PM

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