The Wave Of Future For Merchant Retailers. Celullar Phones Services & Bill Payment Services
There is no end in sight for merchant retailers in prepaid. Continuing advances in technology, the ease point of sale, and the use of prepaid technology in bill pay, cellular, debit cards, traval, transportation, gaming and government and in money management adds spice to the retailers store front.
Prepaid now serves an expanding consumer base that includes everyone, employees, college students, soccer mons, road warriors, and the underbanked, who enjoy the convenience and security of the prepaid financial alternative, Even retirees are using prepaid debit cards for dining and other activities in their communities.
Also many other walk-in customers are choosing local corner stores-businesses, for their need filliing purchases such as bill pay, prepaid cellular phone top up wireless recharges, debit cards-cash loading, sim cards and cellular phones purchases.
U.S convenience stores increased to record 149,220 store as of Dec, 31 of 2012
Independent retail store operators are responsible for the nations growth. The growth show that offer of bill pay, prepaid cellular phone top up wireless recharges, debit cards-cash loading, sim cards and cellular phones solutions with the customer filling-up with gas, quick snack or drink, groceries, take out meals that cater to today's consumers short on time starved.
Independent Retail Stores are the Main Street entrepreneurs. Retail stores provide valuable services daily, in times of great need. Retail stores are backbone of the American economy, and drives the economic growth of the U.S. As Independent Retail Stores continue to grow, We are here too offer incredible reliable and unbelievable dependability by being trusted to do or provide what is needed for retail store owner growth, by offering extremely high profit margins on all money solutions to merchant, It's who you know, not what you know.
Call Today to apply: (877) 947-3577
Web Sit:
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider. Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Whether you are a small business retailer or a large retail chain store, Prepaid Wireless Direct has the SMART solutions for you and your customers. Retail licensing provider of walk-in electronic bill payment services for financial Banking Bill Payment Institute Cellular Services Technologies Systems. Services provides convenience for anyone wanting to pay any bill and recharge topup prepaid cellular phones FOR MORE INFORMATION EASILY CONTACT : MAILTO: SALES@PREPAIDDIRECTWIRELESS.COM
Monday, November 18, 2013
The Wave Of Future For Merchant Retailers. Celullar Phones Services & Bill Payment Services
Posted by
ATT SIM ACTIVATIONS with SPIFFS, Handsets and MORE!-Prepaid Cellular Phone Virtual Terminal - Retailers Business Owners Payments System for Walkin Customers. All Major Cellular Carriers Available
9:06 AM

bill payment services,
cell phone minutes,
handsets and accessories,
international bill payment and mobile phone topups,
walk in bill payment
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
A Smarter Prepaid Cellular Mobile Phone Topups, Network has arrived
The Wave of The Future Wireless Dealers are offering cellular plans with low prices for unlimited talk and texts with data options.
Prepaid Cell Phones Review
Wireless Service With No Strings Attached
Prepaid Cell Phone service provides an alternative to some of the pitfalls associated with traditional wireless service. Recent service enhancements make it attractive for a wider range of customers than ever before.
Why Choose Prepaid Cell Phone Service?
Mobile phone service for most Americans is provided by a handful of large cell phone providers on a contractual basis. Contracts typically cover two years and customers are billed monthly following a month’s service. But in much of the world, prepaid cell phones are the norm and more and more customers in the United States are finding that the advantages of a pre-paid service can outweigh the disadvantages.
When choosing cellular phone service, whether pre-paid or post paid, it’s most critical to choose a service that conforms to your personal phone usage. For example, a plan that offers great international calling rates at the expense of other features isn’t likely to be of much value to you if never place international calls.
Prepaid Phone Service Advantages
Eliminate Overage Charges
With many prepaid cell phone plans you can completely eliminate the possibility of costly per minute overage charges. If you buy a given number of minutes and reach that limit, the phone simply doesn’t function. That, of course, is also the case with the genuine unlimited programs. One note of caution, though. Just because it’s prepaid in and of itself doesn’t mean that there’s no chance of overages. With the advent of new plans, there are some that give you a predetermined number of minutes per month and after that the possibility of incurring overages is possible just as with postpaid plans with specific minutes per month features. It’s important to pay attention to the details of any plan you may choose.
No Contractual Commitment
There’s something to be said for the flexibility that accompanies having no lengthy contract. Early Termination Fees (ETF) for contract based cell phone service is typically $175 though some providers charge a little more or a little less. A disadvantage to a contract service comes into play if your phone quits working after the almost universal one year warranty period but before the two year contract is up. This could well put you in a position of needing a new phone and having to pay full retail price for it to avoid the ETF. Full price for a high end new phone could easily top $500.
No Credit Checks
When signing up for service with a postpaid cell phone provider, everyone is subjected to a credit check. If your credit’s great, no problem. But if there have been a few bumps along the way, that credit check could result in the wireless provider declining service or requiring a security deposit of as much as $400. It’s very common for younger people, who haven’t yet established a credit history to find themselves in the same situation.
Best Option for Minimal Cell Phone Users
Another feature of prepaid cell phone service that is often overlooked is that it can be by far the least expensive way to get the security and convenience of having cell phone access if you use the device on an extremely limited basis. Today it seems like everyone has a phone permanently affixed to the ear but there are many people who just don’t use a wireless phone much. For those people, one of the absolutely minimal cost plans could be ideal. You can find plans as for as low as $9.99 for 250 minutes and unlimited texts of service and those minutes can remain valid for as much as ninety days. Admittedly that represents a pricey $.333 per minute of usage so if you plan to use the phone much at all, that’s not a very good deal. One the other hand, if all you want is to have a phone at hand in the event of an emergency or for the rare phone call, a plan like that would be hard to beat.
What to Look for in a Prepaid Cell Phone Service
The features and plans offered by Prepaid Cell Phone providers have expanded astronomically recently. The once bare-bones, take it or leave it services now offer an array of options that even have longtime postpaid users giving them another look. Here are some of the plan features to check out as you consider prepaid cell phone service:
Unlimited “Everything” Plans
Plans that include unlimited phone calls, texting, email and internet access for a flat monthly fee have been a prominent development in the postpaid wireless world of late. A few of the prepaid cell phone providers have followed suit and now offer all inclusive plans that give the big guys a run for their money. Indeed, a couple of the prepaid plans will be superior to the best of the postpaid plans for some consumers.
The one downside to taking advantage of these everything plans is that many people are best able to exploit the plans’ full potential using high end smartphones.
Flexible Monthly Plans
Many prepaid wireless providers offer one or more monthly plans either in addition to or instead of an unlimited package. The plans can feature a variety of options at a variety of prices to meet the specific needs of individual consumers. The ability to easily change from one plan to another is desirable for many people prepaid providers are typically known for their flexibility in this regard. These plans generally offer a lower per minute cost the larger the plan that is chosen. Some of the plans include text messaging and other data services while others offer such services at additional cost. As is so often the case, choosing a plan that meets your individual needs is paramount.
Economical Daily Plans
Most prepaid cell phone providers have daily plans that can be money savers for customers who don’t use their phones on a daily basis. The scenario is that there is a small daily fee that is usually only charged on days that the phone is actually used. There are a couple of ways that these plans generally work. The first is that the daily fee gives you access to a lower per minute rate than the carrier’s base rate. Here’s a typical example of this type of plan. Say a given carrier’s basic fee is $.20 per minute. After paying the daily charge, typically $1, minutes are charged at just $.10. Another variation on this sort of plan charges a higher daily fee, for example, $3 but then offers unlimited calling on days that the phone is used. Determining which plan is best depends on individual phone usage patterns.
The several phone service providers use the terms to mean different things including some of the monthly and daily plans discussed above. For purposes of consistency, when we speak of pay-as-you-go, we’re referring to pure usage based phone charges. It’s the classic use of prepaid phone service in which a given amount of airtime is purchased and the balance is decremented as the phone is used.
The Wave of The Future Wireless Dealers are offering cellular plans with low prices for unlimited talk and texts with data options.
Activate used or New Sprint Devices on Nationwide Sprint Network. Deal directly with the country's premier Authorized Provider and get paid promptly and accurately, because we respect it's YOUR money!.
Activation and payment portal, it will NOT appear on any prepaid terminal system!
If your customer pays their bill online or through another dealer, you will still be compensated for your customer.
Receive instant Retailer location approval for this ground-floor opportunity with powerful network with sales materials.
The Plans
Basic Package
$9.99/mo + tax
250 minutes of talk time
Unlimited texts
Unlimited Talk & Text Nationwide Plans With Data Usage
$19.99/mo + tax
Unlimited talk
Unlimited text
Data Options
Unlimited emails
Unlimited webpages
Unlimited Facebook posts with photo upload
Unlimited app/game/song downloads
Unlimited hours of streaming music
Unlimited streaming video
Nation-Wide Coverage
Your wireless, Your customer way.
Here is how we did it. We started with what is most important with wireless… a dependable nationwide network. Were talking about Nationwide Sprint Network, not just local coverage. Customers were tired of being forced to buy large plans of unlimited data to connect there smart phone. We all fell for the "unlimited" supersize plans and we learned more is not always more. So, we offer customizable plans. Now your customer can take control of there phone bill. Supersize there wallet, not there phone bill!
Become a Mobile Authorized Dealer
Want to become a Mobile Authorized Dealer?
Mobile has some of the best compensation plans. We know how tough the market is now! At Mobile we want to ensure your success, if our dealers are not successful neither are we.
Please call or click today by sending an e-mail by clicking HERE, in the body of the e-mail place your name, business name, business location address, store phone number, city and state with the best times to contact you. No infomation sent with-out this infomation, you must have an store front business, business license with either city, county, state business license or State's resale Certificate of Good Standing business license. Call today to get started immediatly, and or if you have any questions. To become a bill payment processing electronic bill payment system retail member and enjoy unbeatable rate pricing for your business, quick turnaround, and helpful customer support, use any of the methods below to contact us for questions, concerns or suggestions.
Call Today to apply: (877) 947-3577
Web Sit:
It has always been the belief of Prepaid Direct Wireless that servicing clients is the most important element of what we do and this service oriented approach gives Prepaid Direct Wireless a competitive advantage in the bill payment space. We understand that building strong business relationships begins on a personal level with each business retail owner. Store front requirement and you must be the store owner. No headhunters requesting for infomation, only serious business owners, who want new repeat foot traffic and great rates.
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider. Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Prepaid Cell Phones Review
Wireless Service With No Strings Attached
Prepaid Cell Phone service provides an alternative to some of the pitfalls associated with traditional wireless service. Recent service enhancements make it attractive for a wider range of customers than ever before.
Why Choose Prepaid Cell Phone Service?
Mobile phone service for most Americans is provided by a handful of large cell phone providers on a contractual basis. Contracts typically cover two years and customers are billed monthly following a month’s service. But in much of the world, prepaid cell phones are the norm and more and more customers in the United States are finding that the advantages of a pre-paid service can outweigh the disadvantages.
When choosing cellular phone service, whether pre-paid or post paid, it’s most critical to choose a service that conforms to your personal phone usage. For example, a plan that offers great international calling rates at the expense of other features isn’t likely to be of much value to you if never place international calls.
Prepaid Phone Service Advantages
Eliminate Overage Charges
With many prepaid cell phone plans you can completely eliminate the possibility of costly per minute overage charges. If you buy a given number of minutes and reach that limit, the phone simply doesn’t function. That, of course, is also the case with the genuine unlimited programs. One note of caution, though. Just because it’s prepaid in and of itself doesn’t mean that there’s no chance of overages. With the advent of new plans, there are some that give you a predetermined number of minutes per month and after that the possibility of incurring overages is possible just as with postpaid plans with specific minutes per month features. It’s important to pay attention to the details of any plan you may choose.
No Contractual Commitment
There’s something to be said for the flexibility that accompanies having no lengthy contract. Early Termination Fees (ETF) for contract based cell phone service is typically $175 though some providers charge a little more or a little less. A disadvantage to a contract service comes into play if your phone quits working after the almost universal one year warranty period but before the two year contract is up. This could well put you in a position of needing a new phone and having to pay full retail price for it to avoid the ETF. Full price for a high end new phone could easily top $500.
No Credit Checks
When signing up for service with a postpaid cell phone provider, everyone is subjected to a credit check. If your credit’s great, no problem. But if there have been a few bumps along the way, that credit check could result in the wireless provider declining service or requiring a security deposit of as much as $400. It’s very common for younger people, who haven’t yet established a credit history to find themselves in the same situation.
Best Option for Minimal Cell Phone Users
Another feature of prepaid cell phone service that is often overlooked is that it can be by far the least expensive way to get the security and convenience of having cell phone access if you use the device on an extremely limited basis. Today it seems like everyone has a phone permanently affixed to the ear but there are many people who just don’t use a wireless phone much. For those people, one of the absolutely minimal cost plans could be ideal. You can find plans as for as low as $9.99 for 250 minutes and unlimited texts of service and those minutes can remain valid for as much as ninety days. Admittedly that represents a pricey $.333 per minute of usage so if you plan to use the phone much at all, that’s not a very good deal. One the other hand, if all you want is to have a phone at hand in the event of an emergency or for the rare phone call, a plan like that would be hard to beat.
What to Look for in a Prepaid Cell Phone Service
The features and plans offered by Prepaid Cell Phone providers have expanded astronomically recently. The once bare-bones, take it or leave it services now offer an array of options that even have longtime postpaid users giving them another look. Here are some of the plan features to check out as you consider prepaid cell phone service:
Unlimited “Everything” Plans
Plans that include unlimited phone calls, texting, email and internet access for a flat monthly fee have been a prominent development in the postpaid wireless world of late. A few of the prepaid cell phone providers have followed suit and now offer all inclusive plans that give the big guys a run for their money. Indeed, a couple of the prepaid plans will be superior to the best of the postpaid plans for some consumers.
The one downside to taking advantage of these everything plans is that many people are best able to exploit the plans’ full potential using high end smartphones.
Flexible Monthly Plans
Many prepaid wireless providers offer one or more monthly plans either in addition to or instead of an unlimited package. The plans can feature a variety of options at a variety of prices to meet the specific needs of individual consumers. The ability to easily change from one plan to another is desirable for many people prepaid providers are typically known for their flexibility in this regard. These plans generally offer a lower per minute cost the larger the plan that is chosen. Some of the plans include text messaging and other data services while others offer such services at additional cost. As is so often the case, choosing a plan that meets your individual needs is paramount.
Economical Daily Plans
Most prepaid cell phone providers have daily plans that can be money savers for customers who don’t use their phones on a daily basis. The scenario is that there is a small daily fee that is usually only charged on days that the phone is actually used. There are a couple of ways that these plans generally work. The first is that the daily fee gives you access to a lower per minute rate than the carrier’s base rate. Here’s a typical example of this type of plan. Say a given carrier’s basic fee is $.20 per minute. After paying the daily charge, typically $1, minutes are charged at just $.10. Another variation on this sort of plan charges a higher daily fee, for example, $3 but then offers unlimited calling on days that the phone is used. Determining which plan is best depends on individual phone usage patterns.
The several phone service providers use the terms to mean different things including some of the monthly and daily plans discussed above. For purposes of consistency, when we speak of pay-as-you-go, we’re referring to pure usage based phone charges. It’s the classic use of prepaid phone service in which a given amount of airtime is purchased and the balance is decremented as the phone is used.
The Wave of The Future Wireless Dealers are offering cellular plans with low prices for unlimited talk and texts with data options.
Activate used or New Sprint Devices on Nationwide Sprint Network. Deal directly with the country's premier Authorized Provider and get paid promptly and accurately, because we respect it's YOUR money!.
Activation and payment portal, it will NOT appear on any prepaid terminal system!
If your customer pays their bill online or through another dealer, you will still be compensated for your customer.
Receive instant Retailer location approval for this ground-floor opportunity with powerful network with sales materials.
The Plans
Basic Package
$9.99/mo + tax
250 minutes of talk time
Unlimited texts
Unlimited Talk & Text Nationwide Plans With Data Usage
$19.99/mo + tax
Unlimited talk
Unlimited text
Data Options
Unlimited emails
Unlimited webpages
Unlimited Facebook posts with photo upload
Unlimited app/game/song downloads
Unlimited hours of streaming music
Unlimited streaming video
Nation-Wide Coverage
Your wireless, Your customer way.
Here is how we did it. We started with what is most important with wireless… a dependable nationwide network. Were talking about Nationwide Sprint Network, not just local coverage. Customers were tired of being forced to buy large plans of unlimited data to connect there smart phone. We all fell for the "unlimited" supersize plans and we learned more is not always more. So, we offer customizable plans. Now your customer can take control of there phone bill. Supersize there wallet, not there phone bill!
Become a Mobile Authorized Dealer
Want to become a Mobile Authorized Dealer?
Mobile has some of the best compensation plans. We know how tough the market is now! At Mobile we want to ensure your success, if our dealers are not successful neither are we.
Please call or click today by sending an e-mail by clicking HERE, in the body of the e-mail place your name, business name, business location address, store phone number, city and state with the best times to contact you. No infomation sent with-out this infomation, you must have an store front business, business license with either city, county, state business license or State's resale Certificate of Good Standing business license. Call today to get started immediatly, and or if you have any questions. To become a bill payment processing electronic bill payment system retail member and enjoy unbeatable rate pricing for your business, quick turnaround, and helpful customer support, use any of the methods below to contact us for questions, concerns or suggestions.
Call Today to apply: (877) 947-3577
Web Sit:
It has always been the belief of Prepaid Direct Wireless that servicing clients is the most important element of what we do and this service oriented approach gives Prepaid Direct Wireless a competitive advantage in the bill payment space. We understand that building strong business relationships begins on a personal level with each business retail owner. Store front requirement and you must be the store owner. No headhunters requesting for infomation, only serious business owners, who want new repeat foot traffic and great rates.
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider. Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Posted by
ATT SIM ACTIVATIONS with SPIFFS, Handsets and MORE!-Prepaid Cellular Phone Virtual Terminal - Retailers Business Owners Payments System for Walkin Customers. All Major Cellular Carriers Available
10:26 AM

bill payment services,
cell phone minutes,
handsets and accessories,
international bill payment and mobile phone topups,
walk in bill payment
Thursday, November 07, 2013
Demise of Checks and Money Orders Quickly become Walk-in Bill payments | Cell Phone Minutes Results too Repeat Foot Traffic for Retail Wireless Stores
Did you know that the market for "Pay All Bills Here" is diverse, and yet all of these groups share at least one thing in common, they provide services to their existing members and attract new members with services to which they may not otherwise have access.
-- Ministries
-- Pawnshops
-- Convenience Stores
-- Mail / Package Centers
-- Check Cashing
-- Payday Loan
-- Neighborhood Markets
-- Employee Benefit (low cost service for employees without checking
-- Supermarkets
It's a pretty tall order when we suggest that a Ministry and a Pawnshop provide similar services, but it's true. A Ministry may use "Pay All Bills Here" to provide financial relief to a member of thier congregation by providing payments direct to the member's billers. A Pawnshop can provide a convenient bill pay service for customers that do not have access to the traditional financial services of banks and credit unions. Both have the opportunity to assist their community and provide an
ongoing relationship through their services.
Pay All Bills Here" can certainly add another profit center, but it can also provide desirable customer traffic. This new traffic may be unfamiliar with your products and services, and they will benefit from the new relationship, but you will have an opportunity to educate the uninitiated to all that your operation can provide.
We value the members of our market, and look forward to working with each group and individual to enhance the overall value of this service, and the relationship that we will gain from our association.
Please visit our agent site for more information on the "Pay All Bills Here" solution, at
Additionally, we are confident you will find the service to be beneficial both for you and your customers.
Prepaid Direct Wireless, provides a variety of financial services to help you better serve your customers and attract more business. As an agent, you will receive a high commission instant from all products, and have the potential to be listed as an authorized payment center for certain utility companies.
With our web based software, you can accept bill payments – including premium payments for same-day posting, sell prepaid phone card minutes (without inventory) Prepaid Direct Wireless, offer extremely great rates for prepaid cell phone minutes! to retail wireless stores, and offer international services such as bill pay and mobile phone top-up. We continue to research new services to add, generally without additional cost to you. This web-based solutions requires a PC with a receipt printer, which you can use your own. It also requires an Internet connection at your location, either dial-up or broadband.
We also support the Verifone terminal device, which requires a dedicated telephone line.
This device provides a wide range of services in a smaller unit for locations with limited space.
As always, we look forward to serving you and your customers.
Please call or click today by sending an e-mail by clicking HERE, in the body of the e-mail place your name, business name, business location address, store phone number, city and state with the best times to contact you. No infomation sent with-out this infomation, you must have an store front business, business license with either city, county, state business license or State's resale Certificate of Good Standing business license. Call today to get started immediatly, and or if you have any questions. To become a bill payment processing electronic bill payment system retail member and enjoy unbeatable rate pricing for your business, quick turnaround, and helpful customer support, use any of the methods below to contact us for questions, concerns or suggestions.
Call Today to apply: (877) 947-3577
Web Sit:
It has always been the belief of Prepaid Direct Wireless that servicing clients is the most important element of what we do and this service oriented approach gives Prepaid Direct Wireless a competitive advantage in the bill payment space. We understand that building strong business relationships begins on a personal level with each business retail owner. Store front requirement and you must be the store owner. No headhunters or just looking, only serious business owners, who want new repeat foot traffic and great rates.
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider. Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
-- Ministries
-- Pawnshops
-- Convenience Stores
-- Mail / Package Centers
-- Check Cashing
-- Payday Loan
-- Neighborhood Markets
-- Employee Benefit (low cost service for employees without checking
-- Supermarkets
It's a pretty tall order when we suggest that a Ministry and a Pawnshop provide similar services, but it's true. A Ministry may use "Pay All Bills Here" to provide financial relief to a member of thier congregation by providing payments direct to the member's billers. A Pawnshop can provide a convenient bill pay service for customers that do not have access to the traditional financial services of banks and credit unions. Both have the opportunity to assist their community and provide an
ongoing relationship through their services.
Pay All Bills Here" can certainly add another profit center, but it can also provide desirable customer traffic. This new traffic may be unfamiliar with your products and services, and they will benefit from the new relationship, but you will have an opportunity to educate the uninitiated to all that your operation can provide.
We value the members of our market, and look forward to working with each group and individual to enhance the overall value of this service, and the relationship that we will gain from our association.
Please visit our agent site for more information on the "Pay All Bills Here" solution, at
Additionally, we are confident you will find the service to be beneficial both for you and your customers.
Prepaid Direct Wireless, provides a variety of financial services to help you better serve your customers and attract more business. As an agent, you will receive a high commission instant from all products, and have the potential to be listed as an authorized payment center for certain utility companies.
With our web based software, you can accept bill payments – including premium payments for same-day posting, sell prepaid phone card minutes (without inventory) Prepaid Direct Wireless, offer extremely great rates for prepaid cell phone minutes! to retail wireless stores, and offer international services such as bill pay and mobile phone top-up. We continue to research new services to add, generally without additional cost to you. This web-based solutions requires a PC with a receipt printer, which you can use your own. It also requires an Internet connection at your location, either dial-up or broadband.
We also support the Verifone terminal device, which requires a dedicated telephone line.
This device provides a wide range of services in a smaller unit for locations with limited space.
As always, we look forward to serving you and your customers.
Please call or click today by sending an e-mail by clicking HERE, in the body of the e-mail place your name, business name, business location address, store phone number, city and state with the best times to contact you. No infomation sent with-out this infomation, you must have an store front business, business license with either city, county, state business license or State's resale Certificate of Good Standing business license. Call today to get started immediatly, and or if you have any questions. To become a bill payment processing electronic bill payment system retail member and enjoy unbeatable rate pricing for your business, quick turnaround, and helpful customer support, use any of the methods below to contact us for questions, concerns or suggestions.
Call Today to apply: (877) 947-3577
Web Sit:
It has always been the belief of Prepaid Direct Wireless that servicing clients is the most important element of what we do and this service oriented approach gives Prepaid Direct Wireless a competitive advantage in the bill payment space. We understand that building strong business relationships begins on a personal level with each business retail owner. Store front requirement and you must be the store owner. No headhunters or just looking, only serious business owners, who want new repeat foot traffic and great rates.
Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider. Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.
Posted by
ATT SIM ACTIVATIONS with SPIFFS, Handsets and MORE!-Prepaid Cellular Phone Virtual Terminal - Retailers Business Owners Payments System for Walkin Customers. All Major Cellular Carriers Available
12:04 PM

bill payment services,
cell phone minutes,
handsets and accessories,
international bill payment and mobile phone topups,
walk in bill payment
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