Tuesday, July 20, 2010

ATTENTION, ALL Convenience Stores, Prepaid Cellular Wireless Services Outlets, Check Cashing Retailers, Grocery and Drug Stores and other high-traffic

ATTENTION, ALL Convenience Stores, Prepaid Cellular Wireless Services Outlets, Check Cashing Retailers, Grocery and Drug Stores and other high-traffic retail locations.
Prepaid Wireless Direct was founded on the basic principle of serving all retail business owners with good honesty, fairness and respect. Prepaid Wireless Direct market to cellular retailers Convenience Stores, Prepaid Cellular Wireless Services Outlets, Check Cashing Retailers, Grocery and Drug Stores and other high-traffic retail locations, we believe in the importance of the customer-provider relationship and works daily to earn the trust and confidence with serious good business retail owners, as retail owners walk-in customers change over time, Prepaid Wireless Direct is able to enhance, the retail owners programs to meet those walk-in customers needs.

Do you want to increase sales? Want your customers to come back to your store time and again? Do you want positive public relations and increase walk-in traffic for you retail establishment? The all in one service solutions that can help you achieve all these goals are Prepaid Unlimited Top-Ups and Bill Payment Services that creates returning traffic to retail locations, which should be the most important for any business retail owner.

Offering prepaid cellular wireless top-ups and bill payments are just some of the many steps cellular wireless prepaid convenience store operators are taking. To get started on the many ways to profit with wave of the future solutions continue to web site to learn more.

The pie is big enough for every retailer, Retailers can have repeat traffic in many ways in the prepaid business. Prepaid Cellular and Walk-in Bill Payments is gaining momentum, there is a huge demand for prepaid, people are demanding these services.

The all you can talk unlimited cellular prepaid carriers are seeing more people go to prepaid than ever before and prepaid cellular is going to continue to grow. IT HAS MORE POTENTIAL THAN CONTRACT PHONES.

To learn how to offer prepaid phones & direct top for all unlimited prepaid cellular phone providers in your retail establishment for business owners only continued to http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com

As more walk-in customer need prepaid top-up. Merchant retailers methods are evolving to respond to new technologies, If you would like more information on how prepaid cellular electronic recharge solutions can help grow your business, please call Wireless Direct: 1-877-947-3577

Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Prepaid Phones Cellular Airtime Topup - Bill Payment Services System. Repeat Walk-in Sales!

Prepaid Phones Cellular Airtime Topup - Bill Payment Services System. Repeats Walk-in Sales!

Join the fastest growing services in the bill payment services system - prepaid phone cellular airtime top-up mobile phone industry.
The easy to use system for retailers clerks is available on-line, that offers store business owners and walk-in customers the all in one stop shopping for walk-in customers to increase store owners sales and repeat business.

No inventory - 100% Digital Virtual Inventory
Electronic Top-up Pin and Real Time Top- RTR!
Great Commissions
Bill Pay - Offers your walk-in customers to be able to pay any biller or all bills, such as utility, gas, cellular, power & water, telephone and more.

Completely safe and reliable bill payment service system - prepaid phone cellular airtime top-ups.

To become an merchant agent dealer. Email or Call 1-877-947-3577

When e-mailing please leave your type of business, location address, name, phone number with the best times to contact.

Phone: 1-877-947-3577
E-Mail: getstarted@prepaiddirectwireless.com

Prepaid Phones Cellular Airtime Topup - Bill Payment Services System. Repeast Walk-in Sales! Blog: http://billpaymentservices.blogspot.com

Prepaid Phones Cellular Airtime Topup - Bill Payment Services System. Repeast Walk-in Sales! Web Site: http://www.prepaidwireless.walkinmoneysolutions.com

Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider.Retail Licensing Provider of Bill Payment Services & Cellular Phone Prepaid Services Provider Technologies.